New to Forum... Plexi Module Question

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Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
Foster, RI
I recently purchased an RM4 with a Plexi module and I like it a lot... it's got some characteristics I've been looking for, but I wish it had a touch more gain/compression and I find myself backing off the treble (around 11:00) to try keep the bite down without losing too much clarity. I also like the bright switch on most of the time... it seems to keep it from getting too "wooly."

Is this a typical setting? Do the mod's on the Plexi's I've been reading about here on the forum address these issues?

It just seems like it's almost there, but not quite.
Out of all my modules, the Plexi is the one I notice the biggest difference with when I flip the bright switch. I actually prefer it off.
Yeah, I started out with the bright switch off for awhile but then I switched it on and started spinning knobs to see what I could do with it and it seems to squeeze a little more out of it I guess...

I see there's a member of the forum that does some mods... Does anybody own one of these modified Plexi modules?
Oh yeah there is! His name is Pete and his handle on here is okstrat. His work is unreal. Can't say enough about them.

I have 7 modules. My Egnater Vox is stock and all 6 of my Randall modules have been tweaked by Pete. I love them all, but the Pete modded Plexi has been my favorite module as of late. For heavy stuff it is either my 1086, SL+ or Recto, but the last two tunes my band wrote were all Plexi. It is an awesome tone and well worth it.
Great, thanks for the reply. I looked him up and found his Mods website... sounds like what I'm looking for in the module.

fwiw: I almost always leave the bright switch on, it seems that the Plexi module has alot of its signal in that range..and removing the highs takes away an important part of the signal.
Maybe I notive this because my speakers..which i am changing ASAP. they are thats making things push the high end.
But yeah..I need the Plexi bright to sound right. And btw: a real plexi is WAY brighter..and more transient. I am GRATEFUL my MTS Plexi module isn't exactly like a Plexi...I like the compression that is there and while I wish it had some gain (for distortion) on tap..I can always use hotter pickups or a booster up front. Anything more than that ...and I need to use a Brown module or a SL+.
just my experiences, oh
....and welcome to the MTS world.
Thanks for the welcome... I agree with you, it seems to have a little more of everything I'm looking for with the module. However, I think I'd like to try OKSTRAT's mods someday. I figure I'm looking for something in-between the Plexi and the SL+.[/quote]
Try to boost the plexi with an Od808 for example and you have something between the plexi an the sl+.
I don't have an OD808 at the moment but I had a similar idea of hitting the input with an MXR Micro Amp that I had lying around. That didn't do it for me... I have an MXR 10 band EQ I might try.

Prior to the RM4, I'd been using a Rocktron Piranha that I still have and still like in a lot of ways. The high gain mode is excellent, the moderate gain is pretty good, but the clean mode could be better. As a matter of fact, I always seemed to struggle to get a decent clean from the Piranha.

However, it has a variable input gain knob which works well for the gain modes. The pedal method in front of the input always seems to add an unacceptable amount of noise and hiss even at moderately low levels.
Gearhead - if you dig around the forum a bit, I have a clip of a modded plexi playing 'here I go again' and it's not using a boost. Sounds pretty good imho - more sustain, compression and gain than stock.

Check it out, shoot me an email at [email protected] if you'd like to talk about modding one for ya. :)

Hey Gearhead...I have a Pete Turley modded Plexi & SL+ ....both are KILLER , my cousin and I kinda share a JTM that he did and it too is GREAT! All Pete's stuff is so articulate and I am currently gettin a Tweed and another PLexi modded by Pete is Highly Recommended.
All the mods made the Marshall modules more authentic ...and they were cool to begin with!