new top boost

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I see that the description changed for the top boost, it describes it as a clean module w /warm low end. No mention of Brian May like in the old description and I have an 08 and it is anything but clean. Did Randall change it?
I haven't seen anything as recent as say a 2010 module yet, but I would point out that is marketing and the Super V was supposed to be on it's way out. That blurb is nearly a cut and paste of the Super V description. The two were not all that different to start with either and you can certainly tune one to be more like the other. My guess is they are planning on rolling with just one Vox flavor going forward.
rockman said:
I see that the description changed for the top boost, it describes it as a clean module w /warm low end. No mention of Brian May like in the old description and I have an 08 and it is anything but clean. Did Randall change it?

From the description, sounds like the Top Boost 'low gain' mod is now stock on the shipping module.
i have both the super V and the top boost and although they are based of the same "amp" they react somewhat differently... the super V cleans up way more than the the Boost and the boost has gobs more gain on tap but does sound a bit thinner than the V ...
for what it's worth for any fan of the VOXish sound-- the super V is awsome from clean to dirt !!!