New Track Featuring Salvation Mods Spawn! 80's Goodness!

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suphuckers said:
...and when I come across someone like mike that's gods gift to music I have no issue whatsoever knocking him down a peg.

Do you think that insulting me, on what is otherwise a friendly forum, is going to change my work flow and decisions for myself and my clients?

You're not "knocking me down a peg", you're proving yourself to be nothing short of a disrespectful troll.

suphuckers said:
.It would have been nice/better, since he and his friends would love to tell me what words should come out of my mouth.... Maybe it would have been nice/better if he had responded with... Yeah I had a bit of trouble with that, and this was the best balance I could find...

Not, yeah shut up ******* I know what I'm doing. I mean, those weren't his words but it's certainly his attitude

No, it would not. I do this for a living. I've placed music on more than 1,200 episodes of network and cable TV in the past year. I was asked to score several of the latest P90X3 workouts but only had time for one, "Incinerator". I scored a feature film for Paramount Pictures that was released in 20 cities and have scored numerous trailers, promo's and commercials.

It's fine that you don't like my music or my decisions when producing. I have no issue with that, whatsoever. We all have our own tastes and things we prefer to hear. But when I make a decision, whether it's composing or producing, I do it in the best interest of myself and my client, not for some anonymous person on the internet.

If that's impossible for you to comprehend, that's on you, not on me.
Mike will you PLEASE STOP talking about yourself!?!?
From the BEGINNING of my involvement in this "discussion" I've wanted only one thing. To discuss the tone if this module. When I said "Keep the hair I don't care", remember that. I said it because I REALLY DONT CARE if you change your recording or not. Never did. Would I change it? Probably. But for gods sakes man can we discuss something other than you??
...and now I'm going to give up
Eff this stupid nonsense
suphuckers said:
Mike will you PLEASE STOP talking about yourself!?!?
From the BEGINNING of my involvement in this "discussion" I've wanted only one thing. To discuss the tone if this module. When I said "Keep the hair I don't care", remember that. I said it because I REALLY DONT CARE if you change your recording or not. Never did. Would I change it? Probably. But for gods sakes man can we discuss something other than you??
...and now I'm going to give up
Eff this stupid nonsense

YOU made this personal when you said I was "lucky to have a job", "get off your high horse", "you think you're perfect", etc. and so on.

You bring absolutely nothing to this forum other than teenage dramatic nonsense. If this forum was moderated as tightly as other forums, you'd have been banned long ago.
Corium_AZ said:
Any direction is appreciated - just point me the right way & I can usually figure the rest out as I go!

Superior is a very deep program with many options such as envelope filters for each drum, along with "rack" for each microphone for dropping in Parametric EQ, HFP/LPF, Transient Designer, Compression along with multiple Send and Bussing options. It allows the user to dial in specific sounds.

EZDrummer 2 offers two great drum kits and lots of presets that sound really good. There are multiple EZX libraries available that also sound great as well, so you're not just limited to the kits included. It's not as "programmable" as Superior in terms of tone shaping but it's easy to yield excellent results.

Both programs offer "Multi Out" mode for further processing in your DAW and I'd highly recommend checking out both programs on YouTube because there are extensive videos detailing each program in use.

Good luck!
Jacksauce said:
Mike P, this clip screams of hot-rodded marshally mid goodness. To my ears it's beautifully crunchy and a little something to chew on. Instead of sleeping i want to crank up the dial and wreak havoc.

Love how you spell everything out. Guitars, tubes, dials, signal chain.

If you wake up the next day with rested ears and it still sounds perfect, then it is. Would completely agree.

Thanks for the kind words, Jack!
drewiv said:
Mike, very cool recording. I was wondering is there is any way you could re-amp this using The Bully (or whatever your version is called)? I would be interested in hearing the difference. Whether you can or can't, I dig what you have going on there.

Hey Drew, thank you! Unfortunately, I'm not set up to Re-Amp. But I can tell you that the SG module and the Spawn are very, very different modules.

As you know, the SG module was based off of a specific Marshall, including that original tone stack. The Spawn's tone stack sounds much more "modern". Way fuller bass, different midrange point, different treble and of course, the additional Presence can lead to a different tone altogether.

I think that in terms of overall use, the Spawn would "compete" against the First 500 Rectifier and the SG Criminal as opposed to traditional Marshall modules (not including the Silverado, which I'm dying to get my hands on!).

I hope that helps! :D
Great recording and playing, as always, and such a treat to get access to these previews of module flavours. Thanks for sharing

BTW seems this is a module I'm not that tempted to get, seems it just doesn't suit me so thanks for saving me a couple of bucks in the process :)
Mattfig said:
Kapo_Polenton said:
To be honest, I think Fig should get some room treatment for his space. I've said it before but bass traps and wall paneling in my space made a HUGE diff and here Mike is saying it too. I always complained about not having enough treble/presence in modules until I treated my space and realized how much bass was being trapped. I hear a woofiness in a lot of people's room demos and more than a module or guitar, acoustic treatment will make the biggest diff in smaller rooms. Decoupling cabs as well!

FWIW, my room is treated and has bass traps in all corners...Plus, my recording used the darned torpedo so not a factor...

Just to keep it straight.... :)

True, I should clarify, I felt the "in the room" camera mic clips sound bassy and I thought that was due to the room (which it could still partially be) but i had forgotten you had added trapping so it just might be where we like to set our modules. My bad, sorry Fig.
Mike P said:
suphuckers said:
...and when I come across someone like mike that's gods gift to music I have no issue whatsoever knocking him down a peg.

Do you think that insulting me, on what is otherwise a friendly forum, is going to change my work flow and decisions for myself and my clients?

You're not "knocking me down a peg", you're proving yourself to be nothing short of a disrespectful troll.

suphuckers said:
.It would have been nice/better, since he and his friends would love to tell me what words should come out of my mouth.... Maybe it would have been nice/better if he had responded with... Yeah I had a bit of trouble with that, and this was the best balance I could find...

Not, yeah shut up ******* I know what I'm doing. I mean, those weren't his words but it's certainly his attitude

No, it would not. I do this for a living. I've placed music on more than 1,200 episodes of network and cable TV in the past year. I was asked to score several of the latest P90X3 workouts but only had time for one, "Incinerator". I scored a feature film for Paramount Pictures that was released in 20 cities and have scored numerous trailers, promo's and commercials.

It's fine that you don't like my music or my decisions when producing. I have no issue with that, whatsoever. We all have our own tastes and things we prefer to hear. But when I make a decision, whether it's composing or producing, I do it in the best interest of myself and my client, not for some anonymous person on the internet.

If that's impossible for you to comprehend, that's on you, not on me.

P90X3? Right on.. i still have them sitting in the booklet due to injury but i'm going to start back up in a week. I'll pay more attention to the music in the background... anything is better than Horton, that guy needs to try shutting up more often during his workouts. Anyway back to the topics at hand..
Kapo_Polenton said:
P90X3? Right on.. i still have them sitting in the booklet due to injury but i'm going to start back up in a week. I'll pay more attention to the music in the background... anything is better than Horton, that guy needs to try shutting up more often during his workouts. Anyway back to the topics at hand..

Yeah, I did "Incinerator", which is a pretty strenuous weight and cardio workout. I was initially slated to do more but with my wife's cancer recovery, her mother's cancer and a newborn, I just couldn't make the time.

If you haven't tried them, the Beachbodies shakes are pretty awesome, too. :D
Like I said...easily the gnarliest dude I've seen around here in years. Holy smokes. Just claiming to be brutally honest is not an adequate excuse to pop off at the mouth and be a permanent bag of D. I don't think you're hard to deal with because people can't handle honesty (or your proprietary blend of honesty)'re hard to deal with because you're impulsive, and it seems you lack...god, where do I begin? After months of watching you crash through this forum like a half-educated drama queen bully, I think that I actually feel sorry for you. I don't even care if you can play a guitar at this point, meaning you offer nothing more than to stir the pot, than to throw your unwarranted [AND ALWAYS NEGATIVE] opinion. You have blown your credibility right from the moment you got here. Go back to RigTalk and duke it out with people that talk as poorly and debate as elementarily as you do. How have you not narrowed this down to the common denominator yet? It's you. You're a sh!t talker, nothing more. And you have my pity.

I hope I don't get blocked but man, I couldn't help it. Sorry everyone else.

Mike, I think the treble fizz is crazy high and you should definitely rerecord it. Hahahaha Sounds great dude.
Mike P said:
...I was initially slated to do more but with my wife's cancer recovery, her mother's cancer and a newborn, I just couldn't make the time.

Mike, I sincerely hope all is well with you & your family... That's some difficult stuff you've been dealing with! :shock:
While I enjoy (and learn) reading your posts and comments I'm not much of a writer on the forum as I said before, though I wanted to step forward and say that I really appreciate and enjoy Mike's recordings whether I like or not the particular EQ he's using, having said that I like how those sound as a whole anyway :)

The main reason of this is to also give my salutes to Mike and his family wishing for the best as I can empathize with him by having gone through the same situation.
Mike, I sincerely hope all is well with you & your family... That's some difficult stuff you've been dealing with! :shock:

j4q0 said:
While I enjoy (and learn) reading your posts and comments I'm not much of a writer on the forum as I said before, though I wanted to step forward and say that I really appreciate and enjoy Mike's recordings whether I like or not the particular EQ he's using, having said that I like how those sound as a whole anyway :)

The main reason of this is to also give my salutes to Mike and his family wishing for the best as I can empathize with him by having gone through the same situation.

Thanks to you both for the kind words. Nothing in life ever prepared me for the events of the past 18 months. We lost my MIL (and my one and five year old, at the time lost their grandmother) to cancer in December 2013. My wife has recovered mentally but as anyone who's dealt with cancer or had a loved one dealing with cancer knows, the mental aspect takes much longer to heal. My mom is on the road to recovery after a double mastectomy and two pulmonary embolisms shortly after surgery, but she has also had great difficulty mentally and emotionally.

Truth be told, cancer is the reason why I was absent from this forum for so long. I just wasn't in the mental state to post. Too much internal anger for what was happening around me.

Anyway, thanks again!
Mike, you and I haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but I think your recordings are just the "***** awesome! You are a pro and you really do justice to the modules you play through and the entire MTS concept in general.

Suphuckers, you don't know me, but seriously, just go away dude. This forum doesn't need your ilk. Peace!

edit: I just saw you mention cancer in your post, Mike. Jesus, man... I am sending a lot of positive thoughts your way. I hope you beat whatever is ailing you and you keep being the creative force you are :)
Cancer needs a kick in the face more than anyone on this forum.. it takes too many people away from us and leaves many more psychologically scarred from it directly ,or indirectly because of the loved ones they have lost. It puts worrying about "hair on top" into perspective. The creative force that writes the music is so much more important than subtle nuance of tone preferences. Those Nirvana tones were HORRIBLE but the songs though not my style, are arguably some of the most powerfully written of its time and genre.
Mike, I'm truly sorry to hear about your family's battles. Currently, I have two of my "music friends" battling cancer and it's very troubling to watch. I haven't dealt with cancer for a couple decades now and this new wave reminds me of how horrible it truly is. I'm glad to see you're back in the spot ready to be posting again. Cancer (sickness in general) can really take away the will to be social, baby steps.
Mike P said:
Once I dialed in the tone, I immediately wrote this track. It's a really inspiring module!

It?s a very cool thing to have a tone inspire you to play a certain way and even cooler when you get a song out of it. If the end result of the recording captures that initial spark of inspiration, you have succeeded!

I have now heard two tracks where this module sounded fantastic to my ears and at the same time covered different territories.

Excellent job as always Mike! Best wishes to your family.

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