Next mod: Stoner AD vs SLO

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
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So I'm planning on getting one more modded module to round out my collection. Right now I have a Blackface, JTM, Voxless, SL+, Grail, and XTC (modded by JF). I've toyed with the idea of getting something Orange for a while--probably the Stoner AD, as I think it'd be good to have something that doesn't go super high gain. At the same time, though, I feel like the XTC gets me tones pretty similar to what I hear on Torche records (they use Orange), and I've also been thinking it might be cool to have an SLO option. On the other hand, I wonder whether the SL+ doesn't get me 90% of the way into that zone already. Any thoughts? Can anybody compare the XTC to the Salvation Orange stuff?

My first choice of modules to mod would be the Blackface, which is compatible with the Stoner AD mod. If I go for the SLO, I'll probably want to get my Blackface modded to sound nicer, as I prefer the additional mids in the JTM's clean.
Well, I don't like XTC very much, so I can't really compare for you there. I love my Stoner AD, but you could also get a JF Blackface if you end up going with the SLO tone. The SL+ does get close to SLO, but I'd be lost without my Salvado.

I know it doesn't help you much, but it's all I got. :lol:
I have a higher gain Stonerverb and it SLAYS
Seems like in the studio I have a million tone choices, but in the end this module always gets the most work- regardless of guitar (Strat/LP), regardless of gain need.

The Stonerverb can get some cool lo and mid gain tones too- but has Slipknot gain on tap when needed

Never played the others yoiu mentioned
crankyrayhanky said:
I have a higher gain Stonerverb and it SLAYS

+1 on the Stonerverb as well. I had one and sold it, but ended up buying one back. I don't find it fits my actual needs often (which is why I sold my first), but sure is fun to jam on.
Salvation Stonerverb is has 2 modes and it can get a good clean tone,flip the switch and it can get brutal if you want it to...It is a very versatile module..I got it on a whim and want sure if I would keep it,but Im thinking it is a keeper....Very fat and articulate....The Salvation stuff is truly top notch..worth the extra time and money in my opinion....
Two completely different Stonerverb tracks, just to show the versatility:
Mike P said:
Two completely different Stonerverb tracks, just to show the versatility:
It just sounds so good.
Seems like everybody prefers the Stonerverb to the Stoner AD. Any dissenting opinions there?
I have the Stoner AD and love it. It has more of the vintage, 70's Orange tones. Much thicker in tonality than a regular Marshall style module. It is not super high gain though.

It looks cool too:


I have not tried the Stonerverb but likely won't, as I don't have a need for all of the gain it offers.
That's pretty much why I'm leaning toward the Stoner AD. It's a little different, and I could use another option that's in-between on gain. How much gain does it have compared to an SL+ (which I think has quite a lot)?
I've never had a stock SL+ so I can't compare to that.......

It has the right amount of gain for rock/hard rock and 70's metal. It does not have the same level of gain as, say, an 80's modded Marshall tone. However, for singing leads and additional gain, it takes a boost well......
Whoopysnorp said:
That's pretty much why I'm leaning toward the Stoner AD. It's a little different, and I could use another option that's in-between on gain. How much gain does it have compared to an SL+ (which I think has quite a lot)?

It's quite a bit less aggressive than an SL+. I found the gain to be comparable to that of my old Friedman BE, which itself was more on the level of a Plexi module.
I run my SL+ with the gain either at about 10:00 or at noon (for heavy tones). With the gain maxed on the AD, how would it compare?
I'm afraid it's been too long since I owned the Stoner to do such a precise comparison. If I had to guess, I'd say the gain levels at those settings (maxed Stoner vs. SL+ at 10:00) would be roughly comparable.
OK, thanks, that helps. I'm reconsidering my choice now; I don't want to invest in a module that isn't versatile.
The Stoner is plenty versatile if your needs include everything from pristine cleans to a nice, juicy, mid-gain crunch. You can use a pedal to push it harder, but don't expect it to do modern metal. In short, I imagine you'd find it to be a nice complement to the SL+.
Have a listen to Salvation's clip on Soundclick. The link to their Soundclick site is here:

The clip is a great representation of how this module sounds, probably with the Gain set at around 3 (i.e., 3/4's).
Whoopysnorp said:
OK, thanks, that helps. I'm reconsidering my choice now; I don't want to invest in a module that isn't versatile.

Do not forget that beside fat british orange crunch the Stoner AD has added interresting feature called Natural channel.
It is anoither clean channel, conrolled only by Gain pot. tonestack and Master volume is disabled in this mode and result is very natural and very dynamic clean sound.
This mode is modelled after Natural channel from orange Rocker 30 amp.
Rising Farce said:
The Stoner is plenty versatile if your needs include everything from pristine cleans to a nice, juicy, mid-gain crunch. You can use a pedal to push it harder, but don't expect it to do modern metal. In short, I imagine you'd find it to be a nice complement to the SL+.[/quote

The version I have will get brutal...has a ton of gain on tap and huge bass...very chunky like a Boogie....I reall y was suprised when I got it....

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