OD pedal suggestions?

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I say a General Guitar Gadgets G'vnor clone! Drive Level bass mid treble controls. Do an asymmetrical clipping mod & your all set!
Lots of awesome pedals to choose from guys.

I have to admit the Tube Driver looks pretty freaking sweet, if pricey.

So then I saw this: http://www.amplifiedparts.com/products/accessories/K-930

Now I should be honest and admit I've only soldered once like 10 years ago - but I can generally pick up stuff that I'm interested in pretty quickly.

What do you guys think my chances would be of getting a working pedal out of the box of bits they will send me?
GtrGeorge! said:
Consider an IbanezTube King. TK999 is the product number if memory serves. It requires a Pv wall wart,but it has a real tube and it does an admirable job.
I agree with George here, however I'll go one step further and say look for the older gold USA ones. They sounded much smooth and took up a little less floor space.

Also the T Rex MAB overdrive is pretty sweet. It's a boutique tube screamer clone but I loved mine.
I want to get one or all of these


all class A made by audiophile guys.

If all you need is to tighten your sound Radial http://www.tonebone.com/re-bigshot-pb1.htm is my god pedal. Sometimes simpler is better, and uses less cables.
wake..cool link.I have to hear them.
OD pedals, officially THE most subjective thing in the World.


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