OK, Another "What module will..." question

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Flux Johnson

Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
I was practicing using my RG75 1x12 combo this morning, and I really like the overdrive sounds (hence, why I bought the amp in the first place). What module helps get that Randall, smooth but heavy distortion sound.
I hope someone says the SL+ because I want to get the JCM 800 mod from Pete :twisted:
you should check out the ultra xl has lots of gain and is pretty smooth stock
I don't know what the RG sounds like but people seem to like the Ultra (different from the Ultra XL). The 1086 and Rectifier/Recto/Treadplate probably aren't what you want. Also the Mr. Scary or KH2/3 series are worth thinking about for a more Soldano/Marshall sound.
I haven't played the ultra but I have an ultra lead and an ultra xl; the ultra lead is more smooth, rounded and mid-focused; like santana whereas the xl has more sizzle in the top end like a 5150.

the posts i've read say the ultra lead was modeled after Randall high gain, so this may be closer to your RG. the SL+ will sound more like a marshall (at least from the clips i've heard).

if you want to try the ultra lead, i've got mine posted in classifieds.
ebmusicmanaxis5150 said:
How much are the mods done professionally or just the parts? Did any mess any of the modules up?


That's my page, there are others who mod modules. I don't sell instructions, I don't need the liability of someone doing one badly or screwing up their module and blaming it on me. I have included some LEDs here and there though - that's pretty hard to mess up if you're careful.

I don't think I've ever 'messed up' any modules, never had one sent back to be 'de-modded'. The only permanent changes I make are holes drilled in the front metal carrier to enable mounting toggle switches - but if you put a stock faceplate back on one and removed the switches, you'd never know the holes existed.

Here are some of the amps I use to test modules...



Sorry, not for sale. EVH's attorneys would kill me! He actually has that type of paint scheme registered as a trademark!