people using XTC for metal!!

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
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what kind of settings are you using?

im havin a kinda hard time dialing in my XTC for my death metal band..maybe its best not suited for rhythm work here..

i have a treadplate with a .001, everything else but c14 is the same as the grail..and i LOVE the tone it has, was hoping i can get the XTC to come close to the assault that it has sonically...

seems like i have the grailplate(haha) on about 1:30 on the gain, but i have to go to 3 or even 4 o clock on the XTC to come dialing back the treble to almost 12-2:30...not sure yet...bass anywhere from 12-230, and the mids ive tried with a "scoopedish" setting and almost dimed...with my 31band, i kinda liked it dimed.

i have more .001, and was wondering how sever the difference would be between .001 and .0015. if i stick the .001 in there, same as my treadplate, will it do it any justice or should i go .0015. not that i want the xtc to sound the same, just seems like its lacking compared to the treadplate..
you can't play death with it -its too weird sounding get a 1086 its a metal version of the xtc
i actually put my gain on around 8 and was quite suprised as to how well it did...
The XTC is a tough one with a good OD in front you can maybe get some metalish type sounds, but I can't really see it as a death metal module.