Please help!!! Im getting no sound out of my RM22

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2007
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Hi folks:

I received my RM22 today and much to my surprise, I'm getting no sound out of the amp. I hooked up the the amp to a new Port City 1x12 OS cab. I only have 1 module (a modded Mr Scary) and I put it on channel 1. Do you need to have 2 modules on the amp to be able to get sound?

Please help!
The amp will work with 1 module, no prob.

Try one thing first, plug your guitar in the effects return. If you hear sound, you can already exclude the poweramp section.

For preamp related issues afte transport, in 90% of the times it's tube related. A tube that has rattled out of the socket or is broken.
hunter said:
The amp will work with 1 module, no prob.

Try one thing first, plug your guitar in the effects return. If you hear sound, you can already exclude the poweramp section.

For preamp related issues afte transport, in 90% of the times it's tube related. A tube that has rattled out of the socket or is broken.
I would try and "reseat" the tubes first. I've found many of my amps have arrived "broken" and simply by replugging the tubes it was fixed. Good luck, let us know how it goes...
Feel like crap right now. Checked all tubes, all cables, modules, everything and still no sound. I don't know what else to do.
Econ said:
Feel like crap right now. Checked all tubes, all cables, modules, everything and still no sound. I don't know what else to do.

Just a hunch but no sound is likely either a fuse or power tubes...
rblyn said:
Econ said:
Feel like crap right now. Checked all tubes, all cables, modules, everything and still no sound. I don't know what else to do.

Just a hunch but no sound is likely either a fuse or power tubes...

Fuses are pretty cheap, you could try and replace those. Power tubes aren't so cheap to just check if it's an issue. Try and replace the fuses? It really sucks getting a new piece of gear and not have it work. I feel for you, brother. :(
The power tubes lit up when I turn on the amp. The signal light and tubes on the mr scary module I have also turn on when engaged. I have swapped the module from channel 1 to channel 2 and the signal light and tubes turn on no matter which chaqnnel I have the module on.
Were can I buy a new fuse? What type should I get?
This was my RM22 that I sold to him. I feel terrible that it is not working after the shipment.

From our e-mails, he said that the power light is coming on, the channel swithcing is working and the power light on the module is coming on. Is there a way to verify if it is an issue with a fuse? Or to check if one of the power tubes was damaged?
Econ said:
Were can I buy a new fuse? What type should I get?
I have access to Grainger through my business, so that's where I get my fuses. You should be able to get them at any hardware store. I'm not sure what fuses are in the RM22

Mattfig said:
If you can bias the tubes you don't need a fuse....Methinks....
This sounds like it should be true.
ultrase7en said:
This was my RM22 that I sold to him. I feel terrible that it is not working after the shipment.

From our e-mails, he said that the power light is coming on, the channel swithcing is working and the power light on the module is coming on. Is there a way to verify if it is an issue with a fuse? Or to check if one of the power tubes was damaged?

If he has a multimeter he can check bias...If thepower tubes are lighting but not biasing- it's a fuse...
Have you ever used that cab before? You said it was new, is it BRAND new?
chuckmehh said:
Have you ever used that cab before? You said it was new, is it BRAND new?
Good point . . . :lol: I actually got bit by that once. Had my new 2x12 cab mic'ed, and couldn't figure out why I heard nothing out of the PA, yet I could hear the guitar out of the cab. Turns out one of the speakers was bad, and it was the speaker I happened to have the mic in front of :twisted:!

Anyway, take a cable (speaker or instrument) and plug it into the cab. Then take a 9V battery and put it across the tip and the ring. If the speaker connection is good, you should hear a "pop" coming out of the speaker as you touch the battery to the cable.
Yeah man, one of my friends just got a VHT Deliverance and new VHT cab and couldn't figure out why it wasn't making sound, sure enough, the cab was wired wrong. Don't count out cabs!

Have you tried any other modules in the RM22 as well?
If you are having a tough time checking the tubes and there is not an guitar/music shop close, my repair guy said that a TV repair shop might be able to check the tubes.
It was a damm fuse!!!!!!! I went to home depot, bought a pair of fuses for 3 bucks, and wala...... It worked!!! The amp sounds very good. I will post later my impressions of the JF modded Mr. Scary module. But for now Im just glad everyuthing works at it should. Thanks to everyone for all the advice. This is a great community!!!!
Econ said:
It was a damm fuse!!!!!!! I went to home depot, bought a pair of fuses for 3 bucks, and wala...... It worked!!! The amp sounds very good. I will post later my impressions of the JF modded Mr. Scary module. But for now Im just glad everyuthing works at it should. Thanks to everyone for all the advice. This is a great community!!!!

Like I said-I had a feeling it was a fuse. Glad you got it going!
Econ said:
It was a damm fuse!!!!!!! I went to home depot, bought a pair of fuses for 3 bucks, and wala...... It worked!!! The amp sounds very good. I will post later my impressions of the JF modded Mr. Scary module. But for now Im just glad everyuthing works at it should. Thanks to everyone for all the advice. This is a great community!!!!
