Q: I have KH2,3, Brahma, MrScary, SL2, EG3/4,5, Modern..

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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...any point in trying a Brown module? :D

Oh and I've had a Plexi, SL and SL+ (modded and unmodded) too...
I'd have to say don't bother. I've got all the modules that you have and the Brown module for me was quite redundant. Between MrScary and SL2 and Brahma with a boost, you really have that base covered I'd say.
lol, I bought that Brown from MichaelG and I think it's a must have!

disclaimer: I've never played these mods MrScary, SL2 and Brahma with a boost, but I have played more than a dozen modules- I find the modded Brown covers a lot of ground that is uncharted territory. It really nails the early VH, so it may depend on how big a fan you are of Eddie
Hi Ray! Oh it's a great sounding module all right, and yes it is not exactly the same as the others but it can be so close that I had to ask myself whether I really needed yet another 'rodded marshall module. My modded XTC gets really close to the Brown module too.

Ray... you have to try the Mr. Scary module.... seriously!

michael, how are the Mr scary and the modded XTC different. I'm looking at one or the other. I currently have the brahma and the deluxe. Thanks

I'm not Michael but the XTC has a much lower mid voicing and more Bass ...much thicker all round than the Mr Scary
funny,i tried a BROWN,about two years ago,and it was the original silver-face version.had the .0047uF cap in the C3 spot and the module sounded like a giant middy-mess on flubby tone.always wanted to hear this module with a .0022uF or even a .001uF low-end capacitor in it...pete's vh clips sounded pretty good!

I picked up a stock silver face Brown and hated it. I went ahead and did both the clean mod and put in a .001 cap in C3 found on the Modifications Page and now I really, really like it. I never tried a Mr. Scary but I do have a SL+ and I have to say they really sound different. They share some similarities but they are definitely 2 different animals. Hope this helps a little.

I had a stock Brown module about a year back and I really didnt care for it. I just never used it. Should of sent it off to be modded before I dumped it. :?