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I don't know, if doing the washer trick leaves the amp compatible to either module style, it seems the best bet is to just take the 15 minutes to pull the chassis and do the mod.That part sure isn't rocket science and will remove the potential for future headaches with any purchased module.
Totenkampf said:
If you space off the RM100 module PCB then that would make any other newer PCB mod stand proud or the head faceplate and, if you forgot that and tightened the thumscrews down, pop goes the board.

Can you space off the faceplate from the module PCB by enough? Is there enough thread on the pot lockdown nuts?

From what I'm understanding of the problem, and the fix to the amp slot with washers, this is a valid question. Does a "normal" module fit correctly after the washers are installed?

If it is only that the curcuit board is 1/32" short, I could make some new module plates to space the few short boards back 1/32" with just some washers between the plates and the pots. Hell, pretty much anyone with a sheet metal brake and a drill press could.. No amp/washer mod needed and no chance of making a different module not fit.. (if that is also an issue..)
kurtisqpublic said:
I don't know, if doing the washer trick leaves the amp compatible to either module style, it seems the best bet is to just take the 15 minutes to pull the chassis and do the mod.That part sure isn't rocket science and will remove the potential for future headaches with any purchased module.

I get that for sure...But I have 4 complete MTS rigs and never had a module do this...I also like to switch mods from amp to amp - so each amp would need to be spaced...Then I run the slight risk of one of my current stable of mods having an issue with the new spacing or sticking out too far, etc...

If I had a single MTS amp I would do this...I am heavily invested in this system and just didn't see the need to mod an entire working setup to accommodate a single module...

Good info to have though and to get out there...Most sane users have one amp or setup so this is quite useful to most I'm sure...
Hello Matt,

I can understand your problem. I have the same insanity. :) Lots of MTS amps... and switching modules happens daily.
It would be a pain in the ass to do a whole fleet of amps. I did the RM50 in the vid and it doesn't affect the operation of standard length modules, they seat just fine.