Randall: Can we get a 50watt 3 module Combo amp?

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
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I've said this before, but I'll say it again..this time in its own thread..
I really feel that if you guys offered a 50watt MTS combo amp that held 3 modules, you sell alot of them. It could be offered in a 1x12 or 2x12 box..and it would be THE DEAL.
I see so many people who would go for this. And it would help sell more modules, as well...gotta fill that 3rd slot,right?
So whats the thinking on this? -GtrGeorge
well...if you pull the two outside fuses on a rm100c...you got your three channel 50 watt combo. :lol:

there always an argument over new product, and it is appreciated. unfortunately, the 'other' side of the 3 channel rm50 argument is we already have the rm100 to handle that. some guys want a two channel head as opposed to three.

thee is some new stuff on the horizon and it looks very promising.

you'll hear about here first. (think Nuno)
to end speculation, there will be...at this point, no nuno modules. it's possible, but not in the works right now.

there are however new modules forthcoming, just can't devulge the info yet.
since it is too early to divulge ..can you give a time frame .Summer Namm? Nov .Namm 2010..

BTW are you winning the war to have black gator happen after Summer Namm? ..lol
RD/Steve said:
well...if you pull the two outside fuses on a rm100c...you got your three channel 50 watt combo. :lol:

Would you have to switch the speakers to 4 ohm setting?
RD/Steve said:
well...if you pull the two outside fuses on a rm100c...you got your three channel 50 watt combo. :lol:

there always an argument over new product, and it is appreciated. unfortunately, the 'other' side of the 3 channel rm50 argument is we already have the rm100 to handle that. some guys want a two channel head as opposed to three.

thee is some new stuff on the horizon and it looks very promising.

you'll hear about here first. (think Nuno)
Very true, but I think what people want in a 50 watt 3 channel combo is a lighter weight too :lol:

Are the transformers the reason for the RM100's weight, or is it just the extra size from the third channel?
1+ on the WEIGHT!!! 50 watts is fine for most gigging musicians as you mic up for bigger rooms anyway; if Randall could do a 3-channel head for 50lbs or less, i don't care how many watts it cranks. i love the tone of the rm100 but i've been thinking about an rm4 just so i can bust up the head into two cases and distribute the load.
Yeah we could all buy an rm100 and mod it...but
wouldnt it be better to improve the line by having a 3 channle MTS combo with 1 12 and maybe offer it with a solid state power amp (to reduce weight?)?
Semms to me you wold have a winner.
The issues people have with the Rm100 might scare em off from mding it to a 3 channel 5o watter...and STILL the weight is a serious problem.
So hows about a 3 channel working mans MTS combo?
A 50w amp you can drive harder than an 100w amp.
A 50w amp is lighter weight.
A 3rd channel would be icing on the cake.

The 3rd channel is the only thing keeping me out of having a Randall as a practice amp.

Until then, I'll struggle with my Peavey Vypyr 75.... my RM4/RT2-50 will 'always' be my gig amp.
Wait for the Egnater E2..once more piece to carry so it's not exactly a grab and go practice piece...but that's 2x2 more channels in minimal space with switching built in :D
I mean really, people... the economy sucks..times are hard..and the number of people who can shell out for a RM4 and a RT2/50 and a speaker cabinet is DWINDLING.
Lets cut to the chase: Build a low weight, 3 channel MTS combo with a warehouse 12 in it and your good to go. The cab could be made by avatar (in the USA...Tennessee I think...they produce quality at low cost..shipping wouldnt be all that far..).
An American designed, american engineered 3 channel MTS amp with a single, good 12 speaker....I think a number of competitors would fall out of the game.
I know I NEED that amp right now.
-George Barry
I think they're in Oregon or somewhere else far out west, I just get 4 Celestions 30's from them for $84 delivered.
Is the 3 channel RM100 combo really that much heavier then a 50 would be?
a 3 channel MTS combo about 50 watts would be killer. Under 75lbs is nescessary.
You realize the 3 module, 50 watt would need to be a wide as the 100 watt, right? The transformers could be smaller and 2 less power tubes but that is about it. The manufacturing cost difference would be minimal so it's questionable if it makes economic sense.

Bruce Egnater
It wouldn't have to be that big if the modules were configured similar to an RM4. 2 modules in the top row, 1 module and master section in the lower row, ending up only about half as wide as an RM100.