Randall RM100 no sound and blinking light on 1st module

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Jun 22, 2010
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I started having this problem a few weeks after I bought this amp. I would start it up and the light on module 1 would just blink. I would turn it off and check all my connections and sometimes it would just be fixed. I was thinking it was the MIDI connection because it seemed like whenever I would play with that cord then turn it back on it would work. Last weekend though it took almost an hour at band practice of all places to get it working. So I ask all you experts on here any clue ? should I take it to a amp repair shop?
Thanks , T
If you bought the amp new, you are under warranty. Contact Randall Customer Service. Or take it back to the store where you got it for an exchange.

If you bought it used, still contact Randall Customer service -- by contact I mean use the phone, not e-mail. I've found that companies tend to miss e-mails. It isn't just Randall, it's Digidesign, Marshall, Korg, etc., all of them.
Thanks for the advice Julia. I will do that but... I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so what was your course of action.
Thanks, T
Ok talked with randall tech Kevin Drury and he told me it was the midi board and that it need to be replaced. 55$ with free shipping and I should be up and running again soon. I saw the sticky thread "setting the record straight..." and used that email address from the post and have to say these guys are on the ball! They emailed me back with 5 mins ! Back and forth with the email's and within a few minutes I was set. Hats off to those guys for their customer service. Thanks , T
Scatterbrain said:
Ok talked with randall tech Kevin Drury and he told me it was the midi board and that it need to be replaced. 55$ with free shipping and I should be up and running again soon. I saw the sticky thread "setting the record straight..." and used that email address from the post and have to say these guys are on the ball! They emailed me back with 5 mins ! Back and forth with the email's and within a few minutes I was set. Hats off to those guys for their customer service. Thanks , T
It's good to hear Randall is back on track :)
5 minutes? :shock: That has to be a record for any music company! :D

I've had e-mails replied 2 months later, when I allready completely forgot about emailing the dudes :lol: