Rare guitars :: "Shot"

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2007
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Bosnia/Republic of Srpska
Does anyone have "Shot" guitar? I have found two here in my country but I see it is very hard to find single one on Internet.

It looks like its build well, quality materials, good finish, nice tone ... actually it is... I play it from time to time.

If you have pictures or any other informations about place and year of production, model or price please post it.

Thanks. :)
I am here in the US and been into guitars for a loooong time. never heard of a "shot" guitar. Maybe its a single man and he makes em one at a time somewhere in your area.
If so, you may write to one of the britich guitar magazines (I think its just called "Guitar"...they have a column...its called ask andrew or somthing similar. That guy LOVES really hard to research questions.
If you look at the big british Guitar mags, you'll find this column..maybe write HIM, and he'll know the story behind your Shot guitar.
hi, I have one of these guitars too, they are great and they have the best tone of any guitars, seriously, I have been playing for 16 years and had my fair share of good guitars, but the Shot has such a sustainful, ringing tone, it's amazing. Mine is upgraded with a Dimarzio Paf pro humbucher and I am going to install an Original Floyd Rose too. These guitars have an excellent build quality, built much better than current korean guitars. Be as it may, the tone is unbeatable, whoever tried mine has been surprised and they were all seasoned players. I get the early Troy Stetina sound very easily (from it's old Lead Guitar method). With a few tweaks, these guitars kick ass.

What model is yours? Mine is called an SE-6500, and it's my second Shot, the first has been lost. I had your model as well, about 13 years ago, but I don't remember or know the model name, of course. There should be a sticker on the back of the neck. I remember that I bought my Charvel and was very happy, then I met this guy with his Shot and he asked me if he could store his guitar in my house for a few weeks as he was moving or something. Well, after I was left alone with the Shot, I could not believe how it's tone just blew away my Charvel. I absolutely wanted the guitar and when the guy came back, I insisted so much that he sold it to me.

Then I lost the guitar, and after 10 years, by pure chance, I see this SE on ebay. I bought it immediately, the seller even delivered it in person.
The SE sounded exactly as the model you have: fantastic tone.

If you sell yours on ebay, let me know, ok ? :wink:

btw, how do I upload an image? I don't have an url

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