Recording the RM100

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Active member
Aug 17, 2009
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Hey guys,

Just wondering...should I dime the master and keep the module levels at like 10 o'clock for recording? I have tried a few different things, but just read this somewhere online. Any suggestions for master/level settings for recording?
you should just set the amp to where you think you are getting the best tones.

best tones don't always equate to bleeding ear drum levels of volume!
depends on a lot of things, but for hard rock metal, I don't want all that power tube tone, I keep it around 10-=12 ocolcok on the modules and master

For blues it may be a different story
there are no shoulds and shouldn'ts in recording. Do what you find sounds best in the recorded product. You don't need as much gain during recording that you might live, either. It depends upon your style and how you're miking the amp.

You can get a great tone at a low volume by using a low wattage speaker.... just be careful. I'm talking about a 15 to 20W rated speaker. You get cone breakup real early on. This is how a lot of recordings you listen to have such great tone. And you can do metal on a Tiny Terror this way.