Recording with an RM4 Only?

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2008
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I currently own an RM50 combo that I was considering selling to move to a head/cab setup.
Since then, I've started to consider buying an RM4 instead of an RM50 head and running through the power section of another amp (rather than buying a dedicated power amp).

It also occurred to me that the RM4 could be a pretty easy way to do noiseless recording since I wouldn't need to bother with a load like I would for an amp with a power section (that is correct, right?).

Now I've only ever recorded previously using either a line out from an attenuator (and using cab impulses), or miking up a speaker, or using full amp sims like Amplitube.

Since recording with an RM4 direct cuts out the power amp and cab, how do the guys recording with these compensate for that? Is there a need to compensate or do they sound fine with just a cab impulse? Can you achieve a recording that sounds similar to a full amp with cab setup just using the RM4?

Also, I assume they output at line level as opposed to instrument level too right?

Is there anything else I need to know?
I use a RM4 and RedWirez speaker impulses. The great thing about the RM4 is that it has a lot of outputs when you factor in the fx sends and pre/post outputs. I have multiple lines running direct, or to outboard fx and they all go through a Yamaha line mixer.

The RM4 direct with speaker simulation works great.
There are a lot of options, but what is your budget? The cheapest way I can think of is getting a decent, inexpensive interface ($150-$200) then using Reaper to load impulses (cab/power amp simulations). Maybe you could use LePou's stuff (free), but I dunno how to use it.
This topic has already been discussed a couple of times on this forum. Check out the following:
two-notes has a powersection simulator "torpedo PI FREE"

It might help using between speaker cabs which are too dry. Only 1 set of tubes in the free version but multiple in the full version...

It has decent density/presence control also... Haven't seen anything really better.
funkywrench said:
It also occurred to me that the RM4 could be a pretty easy way to do noiseless recording since I wouldn't need to bother with a load like I would for an amp with a power section (that is correct, right?).

With the RM50 combo you can simply turn down the master volume and use the FX send output. The channel volumes of the modules feed that output. Works great.
SacredGroove said:
I use a RM4 and RedWirez speaker impulses. The great thing about the RM4 is that it has a lot of outputs when you factor in the fx sends and pre/post outputs. I have multiple lines running direct, or to outboard fx and they all go through a Yamaha line mixer.

The RM4 direct with speaker simulation works great.
What a great idea!! So you are using multiple channels on the mixer with pre mixer effects? Do you also pan one left and one right to get a stereo effect? This rm4 is getting cooler by the minute.

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