Reverb tanK?

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Active member
Mar 5, 2007
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Today while I was buy a prestige SZ I saw a guy bought a reverb tank and the sales person saide that is a real spring reverb. I guess my quesiton would be can I buy some think like that and add it to my mts rm 100 paralell loopsince it dosen't have a reverb? because I am really new to this whole rm 100 thing.
Yes. I would suggest getting one from Egnater -
Servantez said:
Today while I was buy a prestige SZ I saw a guy bought a reverb tank and the sales person saide that is a real spring reverb. I guess my quesiton would be can I buy some think like that and add it to my mts rm 100 paralell loopsince it dosen't have a reverb? because I am really new to this whole rm 100 thing.

Check out a used Peavey Valverb on Ebay. It's a tube spring reverb with tremelo. Great unit! You can run it right though the effect loops.
Ok, what's the deal with all these Amazon pop-up ads ? Weird. Strange, I can see them when I'm not logged in....but not now. Really weird. MPX-1

I've been using the standard issue EH Holy Grail Reverb pedal through the parrallel loop (along with a chorus pedal, and EQ pedal) and it really sounds great. I know it's digital without real springs but it really does sound like a nice reverb to me. I keep it on all the time.
I run the T-Rex Room Mate through the series loop on my RM100. Sounds quiet and nice. I tried the Holy Grail but it caused a volume drop depending on whether it was on or off. The T-Rex is just awesome although expensive.