RM100 arrived today...

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2010
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So my RM100 arrive today, YEAHH (used off ebay). I open the box and it?s fairly well packed? but there is a bag of screws on top the head? I?m like that?s weird. I lift the heat out of the box, straining my back in the process, and I can hear the chassis kind of rattle. As I set it down I hear the chassis bang into the box. I look at it and only two of the eight bolts are in place and those two are loose?. I?m like that?s wired. So I look at the bag?o bolts and realize that those are for the chassis and there are some others as well..

So I take it to my room and plug it in module 1086 from Randall3 (thanks dude) and no tubes light, power indicator is on. I?m going okay this is bad, it?s bad right when the tube don?t light? So hey I?m a gonna rip this thing out of the box I mean it?s only two screws. So I take the two screws out and I?m pulling on the transformers to remove the chassis and the figgen output tranny is hardly bolted down., it has two of the four bolts in it.. AND , say it with me, those two bolts are loose. So I?m like this is bad, it bad right? So I get the chassis out of the box and it looks clean, I mean no PCB burnt down.

I ohm out every fuse I can find and the are all good? hmm why don?t the tubes light? I find that the back plane is barely bolted down screws are missing from everywhere, I starting to get concerned that this is a dead amp. It looks like it was hastily thrown back together, gulp.

I just look it over and recall a recent thread about power mains fuse and voltage setting. So I look at the mains, I know the fuse aint broke, but perhaps it is set to the wrong local. Download the manual, look at a post on MTS forum.. yup, set to 220V not 110V. Okay bad ass we are on the way. Set it correctly?110V..power on.. no power led.. wtf? Nuts Measure voltages.. hmm all seem reasonable. This thing is powered. As I probe on a fuse the LED power come on! Yeah, we are so close I can hear it.

Hook up the guitar , hit the standby and sound! Yeah baby that?s what we?re talking about, but there is also popping.. ugh? popping.. wtf? Not out of the woods yet, okay best case is a 12AX7 is bad.. I just start pulling them and the popping continues without change. Well it?s not a 12ax7 tube? let?s pull the power tubes.. pulled ?em and it?s quiet.. I?m not sure what I would have thought if it was still there.. right? Okay so what wrong.. bias? Bias wound not make it pop.. bad R.. perhaps.. but still weird.

So I have all the tube pulled the chassis upside down I?m looking at the guts and I have it powered on and probe voltages. As I probe I notice there is a small arc? on v4a.. it?s is so clear? that?s the pop!!! I power down and I bust out my Swiss army knife and shave back the ground on the PCB. I power up no arc! I load tubes and plug in BAM! Rock and Roll man.
Damn...You are good...Nice work - probably saved yourself a ton in bench fees alone...
Just curious - did the eBay seller happen to mention that the head assembly was barely assembled, and that you'd be getting a bag of screws? In this case, it may have actually helped you fix it faster, but I'd still be kind of pissed at the seller :x . . .
the ad was that the amp was functional and in great shape. I did not expect a project amp at all. I was really bummed as I stated to peal the onion because I didn't want another project.. I have too many.

The ebayer has been great and is going to make it right (i just spoke with him on the phone, he called me). Apparently he took the amp in on trade (some sort of a business I guess). The bag of bolts should have been a tell tale sign, but he's gonna make good. So at this point I think I'm happy.

I need to spend some more time and go over the amp in detail and be sure all is in order. But the fact that both transformers are functional is a big relief. 8)

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