RM100 & Replifex MIDI

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metal archer

Active member
Apr 6, 2007
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I am in desperate need of help with switching channels with my amp. I previously had a Boss GT-8 and sold it to get a Replifex. My current equipment is RM100 , Replifex, Tech 21 Midi Moose. I still can't get the channels to switch via midi and I am getting extremely pissed off. It works when I have the Randall foot controller hooked up. Channel 1 goes to 1 on the amp and 1 on the Replifex and so on for 1,2,3. The goal is to use the Midi Moose to control the amp and Replifex. What is the common way to hook this up. MIdi Moose > amp > Replifex or Midi Moose > Replifex > amp ? I have no grasp as to what is going on. I need a full education on this topic. If someone with the same or comparable setup could walk me thru it, I would be elated. I don't understand the difference between control changes and program changes. What does the Midi Moose & Replifex send out? Does the amp need to be reset by pressing in the channel button every time? Can the Midi Moose change amp channels by itself?
Not familiar with the Tech21 but I'm guessing it's not set to the same channel as your amp and Replifex are receiving on. The RM100 usually comes set to receive on midi channel 16.

Try changing the transmit channel on the Moose and see what happens.
I tried almost every midi channel on the controller and Replifex including 16 last night before I posted and no results. I also scrolled thru the bank numbers past the 50'sthinking it might have something to do with the control change numbers. I have the midi implentation sheet and it mentions instant access to channel 1 control change #56. I don't know what the control value 127 represents or how to create a control change with my midi controller. Another weird thing...I changed the midi channels on the Replifex from 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 16 and the Randall foot controller changed channels on everyone. Is that normal? I mistakingly thought I could find the midi channel it was transmitting on by that method.
I have the Midi Moose hooked up to my MOD 50 head. Works with no problems. However I have noticed that you have to tell it to do something. In other words when you first power it up NO program # is selected, it sits there completely dark. You have to hit a footswitch to wake it up. This has something to do with the battery saving feature if you are working it off a 9 volt battery. Lets do some basic trouble shooting here and see if we can get it to do anything. Hook it up to your head only. Power is off. Turn the power on to the head and the midi pedal. Select footswitch/program #1, then 2 and 3 just to get the footswitch "awake". Now, go back to footswitch/program one. Go over to the RM100 and select channel/module number one by pressing the channel select button on the amp EVEN IF IT'S ALREADY LIT, make it select the channel you want ... #1. After selecting channel/module #1, hold the channel select button in for 3 seconds until it saves that selction in memory. Go back to footswitch and select program/footswitch #2, program amp to channel/module 2 as you did earlier by holding in the channel select button and so on and so forth. Now go back and hit footswitch program #1 and the amp should change back to channel one.

Unfortunately nothing...I tried midi channel 1 & 16 setting on the Midi Moose. I tried that procedure before with a Boss GT-8 and had the same problem. I thought a new controller would take care of it. Do you think there is a problem with the midi in the head? It works fine with its own controller. There is no response from my Replifex or Midi Moose. I am truly perplexed.
I took the amp apart and all 4 dip switches were turned off! I Turned them all on and bingo...footswitch works perfectly. Shouldn't the amp have come from the factory this way? Anyway, thanks to all who responded in an attempt to resolve my situation. As Forrest says "one less thang"
All you did was change the midi channel the amp recevies ie you didn't turn the midi on only changed the channel.

So now the Moose and the amp are talking on the same channel.
Yep, you just switched it from channel 1 to channel 16 on your moose. Example- all off would be channel 1, all on switches to channel 16. Any combination of the dip switches selects another channel- ( dip switch # 1 off, dip switches 2,3,4 "on" may select channel 2 ). The Moose must have a midi guide to explain the different dip switch/ channel combinations.

Glad you got it working.

I referred to it as the "on" position because on the dip switch has that printed on the top. I realized after posting that it didn't mean midi on, but dip switch 1-4 on. The channel is now set to midi channel 1 I believe. All that really matters is that all my components are in communication with each other and if I run into any additional problems it should just be a matter of changing the position of the dip switches. All three channels switch now via Midi Moose / Replifex, so I should be fine. Thanks for the guidance and clarification.
I got almoust same equipment... randall rm100, replifex and fcb1010 midi footcontroller and i has same problems ins the begining.

Some tips... control change for randall rm100 can't be the same channel for replifex program change.. for example send cc #56 for channel 1 and pc for channel 2.

All control changes... #56 #57 #58 for mid channel 1
all program changes for mid channel 2.... then setup replifex omni or midi channel 2 received.

I hope was usefull info.

Good Luck.
It's good to have a HughJasol on every forum.. For just things like this!! :lol: