RM100 with upgraded mercury transformers

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Thinking about picking one of these up - worth it to spend an extra couple hundred on an RM100 with upgraded tranny's?
Trace at Voodoo Amps will do the mod. he's a great guy to deal with, check out info on Voodoo site.
I had one I upgraded a while back and I think it was a worthwhile change. It's been about 18 months since I had it, but it was money well spent. Not life-changing, but you can think of it like a module mod that has an effect on every module you put in the amp. Nothing will make a change for the worst.

If you are interested in having them installed I can certainly do it for you for a reasonable price.

Jaded Faith said:
I had one I upgraded a while back and I think it was a worthwhile change. It's been about 18 months since I had it, but it was money well spent. Not life-changing, but you can think of it like a module mod that has an effect on every module you put in the amp. Nothing will make a change for the worst.

If you are interested in having them installed I can certainly do it for you for a reasonable price.


Does it make the amp tigther/more lively in response...clean up some of the cloudy/messy low end?
like as in clarity? does it sound better at lower volume?

are the mercury transformers lighter?
I don't have them. What I was commenting on was the quality of the stock trannys. I'm sure some on the forum that have MM trannys could tell you.
My modded RM100 was definatelly the catalyst of this thread as I responded to the original post with an offer from the classifieds. Yes, Mercury Magnetics produces a better transformer product than the selection Randall made for their modular line. You can research this on your own. A good quick link to check is voodoo's web page. I'm sure Trace doesn't advertise MM products on all his tranny upgrades for the fun of it. You might be suprised with what learn.

Clarity is the biggest benefit from these upgrades. Upgrading the output tranny yields the biggest amount. With upgrading the output tranny, the choke becomes a weak link and should be upgraded also.

The output tranny upgrade is a night and day difference from the stock OT. Especially once done burning in. The PT brings more of the same to the table. I would say putting a measure of difference you hear when modding your modules is comparable to the differences with the transformers is the clarity department. It does tighten the bass, but not like you think. The added amount of clarity makes you here it that way.
Eddie did claim that the biggest part of the tone for his EVH 5150 III is the transformer they use.
Basically MM is one of the few companies that still makes output transformers the way they OUGHT to be. After the huge insurgence of SS amps that didn't require them, peope kinda.. forgot how to make an OT properly. MM and O'Netics are two companies that still make them like in the old days.
I plan on ultimately having a completely hot-rodded RM100 with the MM trannies and upgraded components throughout.
Does replacing a Output Tranny (or input Tranny for the matter require soldering and electronic work, or just a matter of taking apart the unit and bolting/unbolting the new one in place?

thanks, I'm looking to get this done myself or done from a amp tech.
I'm chiming, I'm chiming.
First, the standard warning: If you don't know how to work with high voltage
circuits, THAT CAN KILL YOU, let someone who is qualified do it.
OK, that's over.
First, the easy part. The output transformer is easier than the Power transformer to replace. IF, and I mean IF, the replacement transformer
matches the original in size, color coding of the wires, and uses the same connectors, and has the same screw spacing, it's basically then, mark the location of the wires you're going to disconnect, disconnect the wires,
unbolt the tranny, carefully get the wires out of the chassis and install the new one.
Now, look at my post:


These are pictures of working on my RM50 but the same stuff applies to
the RM100.
Besides having to work on the power amp board, I wanted to change the output transformer. I got a direct replacement, same part number tranny from Randall. It didn't fit. Look at the pictures. I had to swap out the covers and switch two mounting screws, and add a couple of washers and use the brackets from the old tranny to mount the new one. I also didn't want to splice in the wires. I wanted it to look factory.
You can splice the wires in but, if you do you, you should use a double
layer of shrink wrap (Radio Shack's got it) over the SOLDERED connections and be sure to route the wires properly.
The power transformer is more complicated. You will probably have to lift the rectifier/filter cap board assembly to get everything in and out.

I don't thick you would have anything to gain by replacing the power transformer. The original is very good quality, as is the factory output transformer. The most noticeable change in tone will come from the output transformer, secondly the filter choke (the small transformer)
and little, if any, from the power transformer.
Hope this helps.
So it did get the Rm100 with the MM tranformers and choke, and while I can't compare it with a stock RM100, I can say the sound is very clear and articulate. In comparison with my RM4/mesa rig, I feel I can more easily tell the difference in sound between modules in which the tone is similar.

I agree it is similar to the difference between a modded module and a stock one.
I might get flamed for this, but I think the MM OT/choke upgrades are a bit of a waste. I do commend MM's marketing folks for making this as popular as they are. Lots of techs have made $$$ offering this to those chasing tones in their heads.

I've done the OT/choke upgrades to 2 different amps: a Marshall DSL and Peavey 5150. The changes are very subtle....mainly tightening up the bass, maybe a bit more clarity. Nothing groundbreaking. The MM choke changed the feel too much for me....made my amps feel too tight, and not fun to play. I guess if you're into Djent, they're perfect.

I think the stock trannies are more than adequate in the RM100s, and the MM ROI would be very minimal. If I blew one, I'd consider the MM replacement, but not as an upgrade.

As usual, IMHO, YMMV, etc etc.
Ultron said:
I might get flamed for this, but I think the MM OT/choke upgrades are a bit of a waste. I do commend MM's marketing folks for making this as popular as they are. Lots of techs have made $$$ offering this to those chasing tones in their heads.

I've done the OT/choke upgrades to 2 different amps: a Marshall DSL and Peavey 5150. The changes are very subtle....mainly tightening up the bass, maybe a bit more clarity. Nothing groundbreaking. The MM choke changed the feel too much for me....made my amps feel too tight, and not fun to play. I guess if you're into Djent, they're perfect.

I think the stock trannies are more than adequate in the RM100s, and the MM ROI would be very minimal. If I blew one, I'd consider the MM replacement, but not as an upgrade.

As usual, IMHO, YMMV, etc etc.

Maybe this is true, but subtle changes all add up. I'll compare it with digital audio converters. A $1,000 converter may be a subtle change over a $500 converter, however in audio there are so many pieces of gear that any improvement to any piece is good in the long run.

Whether or not its worth the money is up the person considering it...I got a great deal on the MR100 with the upgrades - ended up paying about the same as a stock RM100, so no complaints here...
Some peoples eats are a lot more sensitive than others. Live the audience probably won't be able to tell.