RM4 first impressions

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Feb 5, 2009
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Well, I finally got an RM4 and some modules(JTM, SL+).

I don't have a power amp yet, so I've tried plugging into the following:
- effects return on Crate Vintage Club 50 2x12 combo (EL84)
- lo input on Gibson Goldtone GA15RV (EL84)
- reverb return on Fender Twin Reverb (6L6)

First impression: This thing is loud, aggressive, bright.

All my other rigs (distortion pedals through the amps above) sound kinder and gentler in comparison.

I ran the RM4 master volume at about noon to get some fullness.

I wasn't that crazy about the clean sounds on the JTM module. I think I get better cleans out of my amps. Where is the warmth? I borrowed a Marshall Bluesbreaker combo one time and that had much more warmth than this module. I could get more warmth by turning down the treble and turning up the bass, but then it got a little too boomy. Bright switch seems to make it sound piercing.

The JTM distortion was OK, but I like the low gain settings on the SL+ better. To me, there is an overlap between these two modules.

I kind of like the SL+. I think it sounds more "solid" than my Crate Vintage Club 50 distortion channel or my Tonebone Classic (tube distortion pedal). I had to turn the treble all the way off. At gains above noon, I think it starts to lose some clarity. I was surprised by the lack of sustain compared to my Tonebone Classic pedal.

Well, I guess I need to do some more tweaking. Hopefully I'll like it better when my power amp comes in. I bought a Peavey Classic 60 6L6 power amp off of eBay real cheap. I hope it's a good match for the RM4.
Hey I just got my RM4 about a month ago. I am running through the power amp side of a peavey classic 50. Its sounds great!! I am saving money for the randall power amp thou. My classic 50 has two 12 inch V30s with JJ tubs all around from eurotubes dot com. If your peavey classic comes with the stock tubes its going to sound like ****. I almost got rid of mine till the tube and speaker change. It had crappy cleans and piercing highs. Hated it (love it now tho) Good luck

Btw my modules are blackface, tredplate. I have the modern, recto and plexi on the way.
Well tonight I tried the RM4 through the power section of the Crate Vintage Club 50 amp (EL84). This time I turned down the RM4 master volume. This sounded much nicer. The tone was warmer and smoother.

I think when I had the RM4 master at noon that I was overdriving the poweramp.

I can't wait until I get a proper power amp and some new underwear. :D
must pickup a nice poweramp. I run a Phase Linear 400 after my RM4. Very Nice. Loads of power. You were probably overdriving your other amps. Tube power is a cool option too.