RM4 / g-major/ power amp set up !!

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riff man

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
From the Waves
how are you users of the g-major going about this??

i just snagged one of these and want to hit the ground running when it arrives

Put it in the parallel loop of your RM4 and set the GMajor on kill dry. The EQ will basically be useless in the GMajor but that's ok. Use the effects knob on the RM4 to blend dry and wet signal.

I also use a Suhr Mini Mix and run my GMajor in a loop on my GRX4 but I'm running multiple preamps too.

The dual delays on the Gmajor even in mono will sound incredible.
thx for the replies guys

just as i thought , so many different way's to run it !!!
i use to run my MPX1 in between the pre- and power !!

how are you guys setting the g-major output? semi parr/ full parr // or serial ??

riff man said:
how are you guys setting the g-major output? semi parr/ full parr // or serial ??


Each routing configuration sounds different, so I'd set it to taste, per preset. That's actually a really cool feature on the GMajor that lets you get three different "sounds" instantly from one preset.

I don't think this feature should have any "rules" on how it's set up.
thx for all the info ...

so what i'm seening is most running it through the loops on the RM4 ... and the the semi-parr/ parr are the best options

does any one out their runs theirs between the pre's and the power amp ,not in any loops?? let me know how it works for you
Right now I have mine that way but I switch it in and out with a GRX4 and use a Suhr Mini Mix so it's still in parallel with the rest of the rig.
ned said:
Right now I have mine that way but I switch it in and out with a GRX4 and use a Suhr Mini Mix so it's still in parallel with the rest of the rig.

that's ideal for sure

i don't have a switcher at this time so i'm gathering the info ahead if time to save me the trouble of wiring and rewiring all the different ways

thx for your replies ned
I run mine in series, but I needed the ability to set up the Gmajor for a lead boost. It doesn't sound quite as clean as parallel but I chose functionality over tone. If you don't need the EQ or boost capabilities, then parallel is the way to go.

I have a stereo power amp, I run my RM4 preloop out into my G-system, Gsytem STEREO out into 2 channels on my power amp, into stereo cab. EFX sound killer this way, much better then mono to me, specially chorus and efx where really, stereo is a must for proper efx interaction. this is basically in series, and I can set the amount of wet/dry per patch which I feel is much better for me since I use lots of varying efx and spacey stuff and use other series necessary efx like compression and eq, boost, and once again, stereo efx is killer, panning delays, chorus's all of that stuff sounds mucho cool.
stereo is awesome at home, but gigs can be a huge pain in the butt. I used to run a Line6 Vetta rig in stereo, sounded awesome onstage but unless the audience was in the middle of the PA speakers, they only heard half the story and it just didn't sound as good IMHO as a decent mono signal. I never realized this until I went FOH before a gig and was amazed how different I sounded if I was to one side of the PA.

We dual mic my cab, and it sounds pretty great out front, even better when we track it, which happens a decent amount. done some live recordings and the efx and such just turned out way better then had it only been mono. Plus panning doesn't have to be hard left and right , even at 50 percent one way, you get a great efx spread.
audioholic said:
We dual mic my cab, and it sounds pretty great out front, even better when we track it, which happens a decent amount. done some live recordings and the efx and such just turned out way better then had it only been mono. Plus panning doesn't have to be hard left and right , even at 50 percent one way, you get a great efx spread.

Guess it depends on where you are in the audience. When it's a mono mix, then everyone in the venue hears the same thing, or at least has a much greater chance. Just my opinion though. Stereo does sound great when you are in front of the rig or at the correct spot though.
