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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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Near Seattle WA
Gilmour. Go.

I'm actually doing some more down tempo (about 92 bpm) "ambient-rock" stuff right now. Just in that mood. Hypnotizing beat. Synths. Goth bass. And I hear a Gilmour-like guitar solo in the song.

I have eclectic tastes in music. Okay?
Well this certainly bombed.

Did find out a few things.....

Gilmour used Fane Speakers that have a rolloff at 3.5 kHz. Which is kind of where I have my EQ set to roll off frequencies.

Also Hiwatt amps. I think the JTM might get me close enough for government work.
The last time I did any Floyd (not later Gilmour) on the big amp I got close with Gigmods Plexi/Brown on low gain for the clean(er) then hit it with a Fuzzface for leads along with lots of effects from the Glass Nexus. Preamp with mild boost of mids and highs, 1 to 3 o'clock. Bridge SC for the rhythm stuff and neck HB for the lead. Not aiming for EXACT tone but this got me close enough.
When I imagine Gilmour's old 80s live lead tone in my head I hear semi-clean Strat neck tone, a whole row of inline pedals thickening up the tone on the way in, like the old early 80s Lifeson tone, only cleaner and clearer. Also, good amount of compressor spanking - a LOT of compression smack. I'm pretty he used old Boss CS-2s for a good while back in the day, and they can actually sound pretty good. I also hear one to two delays in combo running different times plus reverb. To me those delays sound inline for those vintage smeared echos, (but that could be me hearing old Lifeson on that). I'd try an EQ set for lowpass down into into the mids for basic tonal shaping. Key is getting rid of that aggressive strat high end. No top end bit, this is lowpass city. We want the creamy mids. Might want to try an Echoplex for more Timmons /Johnson-style vintage saturation. I know nothing about those hiwatts he used to use, so I'd probably reach for Blackface and Deluxe first.
I have a buddy who has a Gilmore Strat. I love listening to Gilmore, but yikes, I did not sound good on that axe- tiny frets, gentle touch...perhaps one needs a bong or 2 (tobacco only :wink: )to get the mood right. This is a definitely a case of "it's in the fingers"

string, pick, and speaker selection may be important as well, though I have no idea what that could be...this is a tough ?, probably why few people answered