So describe the SLO tone

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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I've heard the Slodano and Mr. Scary, which are supposed to be SLO type tones, however I've only hear them on clips and you tube videos, which are is not the best way to hear tones. Plus, you don't really know until you run it through your rig....

I have a JF modded XTC which is high gain and smooth, more on the hi fi side. Compared to this module, how is it different? how is it similar?

I don't have a JF XTC, but I do have the Sacred Groove XTC Red/Blue and a GigMods Slodano. The XTC has some very strong mids - much stronger than the Slodano. I am fortunate to be able to compare the Slodano to my real Soldano, and can confirm it does a nice rendition of the Soldano tone. The XTC and Slodano sound NOTHING alike. If you really have no idea what a SLO sounds like, think of a cross between the very best Recto and 5150 amps you've ever heard, improved by 500%. LOL
so the SLO tone is not strong in the mids? Is it smooth or biting?
Mattfig said:
I've always thought it was like a hotrodded Marshall meets a Recto...
Same here.

The mids can be strong if you like, but they're not the dominant characteristic the way they are with an Ecstasy.

As to your last question, I vote "biting."
Oh, the SLO definitely has some aggression in it. But the XTC has some "spiked" mids that make it really in your face. Switching between the XTC and a Marshall style module makes the Marshall sound hollow in comparison.
feefop said:
so the SLO tone is not strong in the mids? Is it smooth or biting?

I would say the top-end is biting, while the bottom end is HUGE and round. The mids are a less-in-your face than an XTC mod, but overall the tone is still aggressive and cuts through....
rlord1974 said:
feefop said:
so the SLO tone is not strong in the mids? Is it smooth or biting?

I would say the top-end is biting, while the bottom end is HUGE and round. The mids are a less-in-your face than an XTC mod, but overall the tone is still aggressive and cuts through....

Well said...+1

The XTC and SLO have little in common...SLO still has the mids but also more low and high end harmonics and tone....Also a more dynamic amp/module in terms of response and bite...It hits you hard...Harder than XTC....
sounds like a good compliment to the what modules get this sound? Obviously the Slodano. Salvation also makes one? Does the Mr. Scary come close, if I have it modded?
feefop said:
sounds like a good compliment to the what modules get this sound? Obviously the Slodano. Salvation also makes one? Does the Mr. Scary come close, if I have it modded?

I had a stock Mr. Scary when I first got involved in the MTS game and liked it. I had JF mod it in 2009 and liked it even more. He is sending it back to me as I type this with some updates to his original mod to make it even more SLO like. I will let you know what I think when it lands.

Youtube clips of a Modded Mr. Scary compared to a Slodano....I think the Slodano sounds alot better,but the same type OD....
alowerdeep said:

Youtube clips of a Modded Mr. Scary compared to a Slodano....I think the Slodano sounds alot better,but the same type OD....

Yes, I've heard this..unfortunately, the room sound in these types of videos don't give you a good enough feel for the tone. Both sound similar, but I'm sure they are different. I hear the general SLO sound, which seems very aggressive and biting. But it would sell me more if I heard actual recorded tones on disk/tape.
feefop said:
alowerdeep said:

Youtube clips of a Modded Mr. Scary compared to a Slodano....I think the Slodano sounds alot better,but the same type OD....

Yes, I've heard this..unfortunately, the room sound in these types of videos don't give you a good enough feel for the tone. Both sound similar, but I'm sure they are different. I hear the general SLO sound, which seems very aggressive and biting. But it would sell me more if I heard actual recorded tones on disk/tape.

I hear ya..the scary sounds darker to me..not as clear.....So far I havent been impressed with the Lynch modules as much...I had a Grail and hated it...I just do not get the Recto comparison at all...Even the modded one I had didnt sound that great to me....I liked his tone on the Dokken albums though.....Id be curious to hear the Judge...A good modded Plexi would probably get you close to a Soldano as well...I had a Salvation Salvado sounded really good,but I could get the same tone..actually a little cleaner,out of my 1666...a hotrodded Plexi module....
alowerdeep said:

Youtube clips of a Modded Mr. Scary compared to a Slodano....I think the Slodano sounds alot better,but the same type OD....
I liked both. The Slo seemed to have more cut. The Scary had a more focused bass response. IMO :lol:
The Soldano tone is probably best described to you in terms of two very popular amps that were near dead copies that many of us have had a chance to try at least once: The Dual/Triple Rectifiers and the 5150.

Early Dual Rectifiers copied the Soldano preamp values exactly and were later revised. The 5150 shares a similar story.

Significant design notes for the Soldano were premium transformers, iconic gain staging, effects loop design/placement and the use of 5751 preamp tubes and 5881 power tubes (both choices were out of the norm at that time).
Jaded Faith said:
The Soldano tone is probably best described to you in terms of two very popular amps that were near dead copies that many of us have had a chance to try at least once: The Dual/Triple Rectifiers and the 5150.

Early Dual Rectifiers copied the Soldano preamp values exactly and were later revised. The 5150 shares a similar story.

Significant design notes for the Soldano were premium transformers, iconic gain staging, effects loop design/placement and the use of 5751 preamp tubes and 5881 power tubes (both choices were out of the norm at that time).

I knew that about the 5150 but not the Rec's. Interesting. Maybe that is why I loved th Tverb I had so much.
Ive owned all 3 and if that is true,how is it that the Recto sounds nothing like a Soldano then?I had an earlier,blackfaced version....I A/B'b a 5150 and a HR100 plus and you could kind of tell what Peavey was shooting for with it,the Soldano's tone was just alot clearer,fuller and more articulate..The EQ section was also way more responsive/usable..I know there is a huge price gap between the two,but after the direct comparison I sold the 5150 and havent looked back....The Recto sounded nothing like it,totally different voice...
alowerdeep said:
Ive owned all 3 and if that is true,how is it that the Recto sounds nothing like a Soldano then?I had an earlier,blackfaced version....I A/B'b a 5150 and a HR100 plus and you could kind of tell what Peavey was shooting for with it,the Soldano's tone was just alot clearer,fuller and more articulate..The EQ section was also way more responsive/usable..I know there is a huge price gap between the two,but after the direct comparison I sold the 5150 and havent looked back....The Recto sounded nothing like it,totally different voice...

You have to account for ALL the things that go into an amp, the preamp only being one part of the design. If you re-read what I posted, notice I said the PREAMPS were direct copies of the Soldano circuit (early on anyways). The choice of components, layout, transformers, power filtering and a number of other things impact the big picture and can not be discounted. Which is exactly why you can not just get a copy of a schematic and try to build a clone module. Sure you can copy preamp values, but does the end result sound like the real deal? Probably not so much. You have to tune it to get it as in the ballpark as you can.

Think about it this way. The SLO100 sold for around $3500 in 1987. A 1993 Trem-o-verb Dual Rec was $1600. A 1992 5150 head was $1300. All were hand built right here in the USA, so cheap overseas labor was not part of the price differences. Why the difference? Quality of parts, a killer original overall design and great tone/feel were a big part of why.

Those amps are all great and brought a unique tone (particularly for the time) to the market for players in a wide range of price points. Were they all the same in an A/B/C shootout? Nope. But their heritage was all shared.
Jaded Faith said:
The Soldano tone is probably best described to you in terms of two very popular amps that were near dead copies that many of us have had a chance to try at least once: The Dual/Triple Rectifiers and the 5150.
Yep, and it sounds better than either :)
m0jo said:
Jaded Faith said:
The Soldano tone is probably best described to you in terms of two very popular amps that were near dead copies that many of us have had a chance to try at least once: The Dual/Triple Rectifiers and the 5150.
Yep, and it sounds better than either :)
I concur :p Though I've heard some nice tones out of each of the others...

Nevermore's tones since Dreaming Neon Black up to This Godless Endeavor...

And let's not forget Joe Satriani's use of the 5150 on the Time Machine track ;)

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