Some new pics of my newest configuration

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Thanks for the info guys, I actually just spent an hr fiddling with my sm57's. I ended up (after reading about the recording of VH1) putting one straight on just off the cone for the detail and one angled beside it catching a bit more of the cone. Either is a good sound but sounds a bit lacking. Together they really fill out the sonic spectrum. Granted this would probably be a lot cooler of an effect with a 421 for the classic pairing but it gives me the flavour. One absolute is ya gotta get the amp past the peamp fizzies and turn it up some. I think getting a 1 x 12 for cranking in a closet with a scumback in it is probably what I'll end up doing at some point. For now though, I've treated the walls and corners in my basement studio so it will be decent mic'ing the top left greenback in my 4 x 12.

IR's are interesting. I've been wanting to get into reamping eventually anyway so a good DI in would be interesting but in addition to that, a line out from my hotplate into a cab impulse would be a cool idea to combine a plugin Royer 121 with my mic'ed sound to create the effect I am looking for. So as you mentioned, the mic'ed cab is the main sound but you can beef it up by adding another plugin cab with a certain speaker and certain mics. Just trying to think of the best way to do this with my hotplate. Could i run out of the extension speaker jack on my lynchbox into the hotplate and set it to load while taking the line out? Woudl i need to change the ohms on the amp? I'm already running at 4 ohm with two tubes pulled into an 8 ohm cab.

Matt, the trick you mentioned about using acoustic or clean track to fatten up the sound is done or was done, quite a bit. It is almost like you are catching the spank of the chords. I know that when i listen to Slaughter's Up All Night, I can hear clean chords underneath the distortion. They really pop out at me. Listen to that and see if you can hear them pop out at you.

At the end of the day i'd like to play around with recording mine and other's people's music on the side and that is why I am getting into all this. I'm doing it for hobby and eventually for some spare cash i could throw back into more gear. Right now i've sold my soul to commercialism and am drumming in a little celtic band because we get gigs. They pay us up to 800$ a gig and free booze. That ain't bad! I'm not quitting my day job though lol
Hey mattfig, you using Redwirez cab impulses? To my ear and from what I am hearing, those sound the best in the demos I have heard..
Killer rig (rigs)!
I just added a few Custom mods and need to take pictures of the whole setup to post
Kapo_Polenton said:
IR's are interesting... Could i run out of the extension speaker jack on my lynchbox into the hotplate and set it to load while taking the line out?

Depending on which IRs you're using, it may be better to take a DI from the effects loop send instead of the Hotplate. Creating an IR requires an amplification stage, so they're really a sim of a mic and a speaker and a cab and a power amp.

Some IR makers try to use a very flat, transparent, full range power amp so that the signal is less colored, others use the power amp stages of popular guitar heads specifically to get a bit of "Marshally" or "Engly" or "Whatevery" tone going. So depending on which you use, tapping the DI off the signal going from the Lynchbox head to the speaker may result in double power amp-edness.
others use the power amp stages of popular guitar heads specifically to get a bit of "Marshally" or "Engly" or "Whatevery" tone going

Do the red wirez emualte the whole amp thing? That's what I would love! I think I'm missing that with my rm4>11R setup, it has cab & mic, but no amp :(
crankyrayhanky said:
others use the power amp stages of popular guitar heads specifically to get a bit of "Marshally" or "Engly" or "Whatevery" tone going

Do the red wirez emualte the whole amp thing? That's what I would love! I think I'm missing that with my rm4>11R setup, it has cab & mic, but no amp :(

I just have the free pack, but its just cab, mic, and mic placement.

Some of the guitarhack ones I have are supposed to be JJ power tubes, but I haven't used them.
late joining this discussion, but the Recab 2, and 3 IR VST they use the RT 2/50 to for getting their IR's. RedWirez uses an Audiophile-style poweramp so that you are getting the most natural repro of just the cab, speakers and mics, which is great if your using a hotplate or weber mini mass to get the sound of your own poweramp. but I like Recab 3 best for late night recording with my RM4. very convincing sounds that way. especially if you add a slight room IR in the fx buss.
And now for something completely different.

Hey Fig, I just noticed the SKB Roto Rack in there! I have exactly the same one :)
Great racks for taking out, they're a bit big but they take a punch! :D
Mattfig said:
It's quite modest so don't laugh...