Describe the VHT tone (and/or suggest my next mod purchase)

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
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I'm not a gigging guitarist at the moment; I'm actually a drummer in the bands I'm in now (though I'm a much more competent guitarist than drummer). I play at home for fun and also do some recording (some projects just for fun, others for hire for a composer/producer friend of mine). I love the MTS platform because I find it inspiring to have lots of different high-quality tones at my disposal. Right now I own the following six modules:

Jaded Faith Super Clean: I think this covers me pretty well for Fender-type tones.
Jaded Faith Voxless: no explanation necessary here. In addition to providing Beatles-y cleans, this does great mid-gain tones on the Matchless side.
Salvation Mandarine Graphic: provides a third flavor of clean and of course medium-gain Orange crunch.
Sacred Grove MK22: covers my classic Marshall needs with aplomb.
Randall XTC with Jaded Faith base mod: this seems to sound pretty close to various red channel modded XTC clips I've heard. It's one of my favorites and excels at the thick chewy sound, though sometimes I wish it had more midrange available.
Sacred Groove Diablo: the thickest Recto chunk imaginable.

I also have a Mesa Studio Preamp that I use at home along with my MTS preamp. In my rehearsal space, a Mark III and a Rivera M100 live next to my Randall RM100.

So I have a lot of bases covered here, and there aren't too many other modules out there I feel like I need. Rob's VHT module has me intrigued, though. I feel like this might provide me some tight modern high-gain flavor that I don't currently have. I don't think I've heard any good clips of this module, so can anybody summarize what it's all about?

Alternatively, any suggestions what would round out my collection? I like all kinds of different tones from clean to high-gain and vintage to modern. I wouldn't describe myself as a metal guy though I like to jam on riffs that tend in that direction. Definitely not into the '80s thing. I've considered the PV VIL but in the end I don't think I'm too into those tones. For a long while an SLO mod was on my list, but after listening to clips of them I'm no longer sure that's a tone I really want. I have the Mark thing covered already with actual Boogie gear. From the clips I've heard of the JF Erect, it sounds different enough from my Diablo that I might consider owning one. It seems to do the buzzsaw modern Recto tone pretty well, which is fairly different from the thick chunky "first 500" tone my Diablo does. Also still considering a Stonerverb or Rverb to get the high-gain Orange thing happening. I'm also open to clean flavors I might be missing, though I can't think of any off the top of my head.
I don't own one, but from what I hear VHTs are very tight and very articulate.

That seems like your best bet, as your next module should be something with a tight low end. I would have said something based on a 5150, SLO, or a Mark IV, but you either don't like those or have it covered already. Maybe a Diezel or ENGL from Salvo, some high gain Marshall from someone, or for pure difference a Krank.
I'd say a JF 59RR would be a great choice...As would Salvation's Mashall+...

If you want the more modern recto tone the JF Erect would be perfect...

If you are looking for a modern take on the recto tone you should look at a Salvation Mamba (based off Framus Cobra)...

If you want a pretty cool recto for much less, check out the Grail...One of the few stock modules that I really respect...

Don't know what to say about the VHT thing...To my ear, it's a dry Marshall-esque tone...It's cool for some and I know the JF Pitt is a beast in this dept...

You would also totally dig a JF Rverb or Salvo Stonerverb...Both are excellent as well...The JF has a mid scoop that can make it pretty brutal if desired...
I own a VHT Pittbull cl/50 and the EG5 is very close. A Slodano, Terrier, Salvado, Benzin, or Angel will get you close. Don't know much about JF's new line but anything emulating a SLO, Diezel, or Engl will get you in the ballpark.
I had a Grail once; actually had it modded into my Diablo. I still like the clips I made of it before, though I think it's a little too close to the Diablo to warrant having both.

I'm not sure about a 59RR. The MK22 has all the gain I need. I know the 59RR has more bells and whistles than the MK22, but I'm not sure that would really expand my tonal palette that much.

I forgot about the Dragon module; I'll have to keep that in mind. I think high gain and tight sums up what I'm still lacking in my arsenal. I haven't entirely given up on the idea of trying an SLO module either. Thanks for the tips guys!