Speaker Impulses

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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Near Seattle WA
Get this one....

I find Mellowmuse to hold my Red Wire cab IRs.

I have an M-Audio Interface. This interface does not support 44.1 kHz in M-Powered Pro Tools. The control panel says it supports up to 48 kHz if I use SPDIF. If I use no output then I've got 96 kHz. However, for actually being able to use it I have to use 48 kHz. And that's ALL I can use with it. I cannot even create a sesson in 44.1 16 bit. I can create a session in 48 kHz 16 bit, but now 44.1 kHz because the interface does not support 44.1 kHz. M-Audio no longer exists. It's all Avid now. Customer service right now is a cluster frak. It's all about Pro Tools 9 effective today, and the bastards launch on a Friday.

I have no option to create a session in that anymore. It must have been some update that went through. DUC is down for Pro Tools 9 so I guess the 8 questions will get ignored from here on.

Mellowmuse does not support 48 kHz 24 bit. It turns out it supports only 44.1 kHz 16 bit, and it's not fully explained until after you buy it. Once you buy it tough ****.

So I'm looking for a convolution reverb. It looks like Waves IR-L, and it looks like a call to Sweetwater tomorrow to get further details on the product. Now the question is: does it support ONLY 96 kHz? If that's the case I'm screwed into buying another interface and DAW. Another $186.00 pissed away. Maybe this will work but I've got to make sure.

And I can't use another interface with M-Powered Pro Tools, unless I buy a new interface and upgrade to Pro Tools 9. F***! F***! F***! And that requires a OS update, and possibly a CPU and MB upgrade. I'm not spending that money.
Julia said:
Get this one....

I find Mellowmuse to hold my Red Wire cab IRs.

I have an M-Audio Interface. This interface does not support 44.1 kHz in M-Powered Pro Tools. The control panel says it supports up to 48 kHz if I use SPDIF. If I use no output then I've got 96 kHz. However, for actually being able to use it I have to use 48 kHz. And that's ALL I can use with it. I cannot even create a sesson in 44.1 16 bit. I can create a session in 48 kHz 16 bit, but now 44.1 kHz because the interface does not support 44.1 kHz. M-Audio no longer exists. It's all Avid now. Customer service right now is a cluster frak. It's all about Pro Tools 9 effective today, and the bastards launch on a Friday.

I have no option to create a session in that anymore. It must have been some update that went through. DUC is down for Pro Tools 9 so I guess the 8 questions will get ignored from here on.

Mellowmuse does not support 48 kHz 24 bit. It turns out it supports only 44.1 kHz 16 bit, and it's not fully explained until after you buy it. Once you buy it tough s*&t.

So I'm looking for a convolution reverb. It looks like Waves IR-L, and it looks like a call to Sweetwater tomorrow to get further details on the product. Now the question is: does it support ONLY 96 kHz? If that's the case I'm screwed into buying another interface and DAW. Another $186.00 pissed away. Maybe this will work but I've got to make sure.

And I can't use another interface with M-Powered Pro Tools, unless I buy a new interface and upgrade to Pro Tools 9. F***! F***! F***! And that requires a OS update, and possibly a CPU and MB upgrade. I'm not spending that money.
Sorry but why don't you use any of the zillion free convolution verb plugins?
I found the standard one in Reaper to be more than fine.
(although that's not much use to you if you're not using Reaper.. which you should cause it rocks! ;) )
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not PT9!!!! Just when I think everything is working fine in PT8, they want to go and change it!!!! Let the headaches begin.... :(

I just created PT8 sessions in 44.1 16bit, 48k 16bit, and 48k 24bit. My Mellowmuse IR1A worked fine in all of the sessions. I loaded both reverb and Re-Cabinet impulses with no problems. I normally use 44.1k 24bit, and I know Mellowmuse works fine in that too. I used a Digi003, if that matters.

What M-Audio interface do you have? It seems very strange that it doesn't support 44.1k. I would think that every interface made in the last 15 years would support 44.1k...the standard sample rate of an audio cd.

As far as updates go...I've turned off ALL automatic updates. I've updated PT8 once, but only once...and that still felt like I was playing Russian Roulette. Fortunately it worked.

I have Pro Tools 8. That's what I know. Reaper is another DAW. There is another learning curve. The free VST stuff works in everything except Pro Tools and Logic. This is stuff I didn't know about, and no one told me about before I got PT. I was told the support was great for PT (which it is sort of), and when I got PT home it didn't work on my PC, so I ended up building a new PC around it because software is unreturnable.

It is just best for me to get something that works with PT8. I don't have any intention to upgrade to PT9. PT9 requires Windows 7. I also prefer stuff that has a lot of phone in tech support available since I tend to learn things better that way than over forums, like the reaper forum or DUC.

I probably would have gone with Cubase 5.

Jerome: I have the Fast Track Pro. I can create a session in 44.1, if I update from 8.0.1 cs1, but any other of the updates tend to break links for midi drivers and tend to lock and crash in XP. For Win XP it is recommended that you stay with 8.0.1 cs1. It's a problem with the driver for the FTP. M-Audio was supposed to be working on it, but with PT 9 I don't think it's going to get any attention now. M-Audio's support blows.

You have the Mbox. You have PT LE. Everything with PT used to be proprietary. I'm stuck with M-Powered at the moment.

PT 9 was a smart move by Avid. It works with any interface. Unfortunately the update for me costs $300 + the cost of Win 7 + (although my current rig meets their specs) probably a new processor, MB, & RAM.

and Jerome, there is no need to update if you have it working.
I ended up with IR-1 Native, just because it's 40% off at Sweetwater right now. Could have gone Lite, but I realized why I never bought the product -- it's usually around $600.

Besides, there's some ambient stuff I'm doing and this can be fun. I'd love to sample my neighborhood at 2 am. Damn you should hear the echo. then overlay some downtown traffic sounds and you're in a back alley.

I've got ideas more suited to film and game soundtracks than for straight out balls to the wall metal or other rock music. That was why I wanted the POD HD, too, for the synth type effects.
Julia said:

I have Pro Tools 8. That's what I know. Reaper is another DAW. There is another learning curve. The free VST stuff works in everything except Pro Tools and Logic. This is stuff I didn't know about, and no one told me about before I got PT. I was told the support was great for PT (which it is sort of), and when I got PT home it didn't work on my PC, so I ended up building a new PC around it because software is unreturnable.

It is just best for me to get something that works with PT8. I don't have any intention to upgrade to PT9. PT9 requires Windows 7. I also prefer stuff that has a lot of phone in tech support available since I tend to learn things better that way than over forums, like the reaper forum or DUC.

I probably would have gone with Cubase 5.
Okay then, yeah I'm pretty handy with computers so rarely run into problems, plus forums work for me ;)
Also Reaper has extremely good interaction design and the most extensive manual you've ever seen.
That makes it the perfect DAW for me.

But I didn't know VST plugins don't work in PT .. that is just ridiculous.
Software IS returnable at a lot of places!
This is an utter myth, shops are obliged to give you the chance to reverse a purchase if the product does not meet expectations.
This applies to software as well.
On the other hand, you will probably be over the period that they give you to return it..
It's not bad running PT on Windows systems. It's six of one half a dozen of the other. I'm more familiar with Windows and have a distaste for Macs.

I may have an issue with the POD though. It seems like it's related to the SPDIF. I can set the SPDIF on the POD for 24 bit 44.1 kHz, and then that allows me to create a session in PT in 24 bit, 44.1 kHz. However, once I try to use a plugin like Waves, Mellowmuse, and load a 24 bit 44.1 kHz IR, Pro Tools has a cow.

But I think because I'm not having any issues with processor capacity in PT, I can with no trouble just leave everything at 48 kHz 24 bit.

The interface is an M-Audio Fast Track Pro, and it does work but seems only to be happy in 48 kHz 24 bit. Nothing else. Unless SPDIF is not connected. Then it will boot properly. (makes note to remind self to turn on the POD AFTER computer boots, and not before).

I did pop for Waves IR-1 just because of what else it can do that Mellowmuse or the smaller ones cannot. It loads the IRs just fine. I set it to "Direct" which just runs 100% wet signal and it sounds really nice.

The Reverb portion of the program can be used on an AUX track for a concert hall effect that is so superior to any plugin I've got. Also Waves right now was 20% below the normal cost of $600. When I heard the normal price I realized why I never considered it.

If I set up a dual amp rig on the POD for stereo, I can load up to four IRs of the cab, or two of two different cabs, which give me close and room mics. I'm getting some serious good tones out of the POD.

Expensive weekend: four cab IRs from Red Wire -- the Basketweave G12H30s (this gives the growl I was missing), the Hiwatt with the purple Fanes (for Gilmour stuff), Orange 412 w/ Vintage 30s (very similar to my own), and the Soldano (purple which makes it awesome) cab with the Eminence, in addition to the freebie 1960A with G12Ms. + Waves IR-1 from Sweetwater -- this is a download from Israel so I don't think this can be returned and I had to register it on my iLok.

But at least I get lifetime support from Sweetwater on the Waves.
a bit late to this one but anywho,

I am quite familiar with PC's and software, I've used Cubase for a long long time now, as well as most guitar emulators. So if you have anymore questions please I will try to answer. (cubase is nice because it has a nice presets manager and preset implementation is great in general).

Yes Relvalver has rtas now, it's very good. IMO one of Relvalver's best uses is just to load impulses! Yes it's decent for amps, but included cab's aren't that great SO always try to get some better ones like mentioned (guitarampmoddeling.com).

Guitar Rig 3 has great speaker Cabs as does Amplitube 3.

Waves IR-1 is way overpriced even at discount, there are better options imo. SIR II imo is the best I think $200-300 range.

So basically my setup is growing around MTS preamps into speaker cap emulations. IMO best results I've had (so far) are dedicated impulses like Redline's or some of the others at guitarampmodelling.com.

Guitar Rig 3 is nice because it has auto-volume adjustment (as does Revalver) and very handy feature. GR3 also has great cab presets in stereo and included cab mixer is great. Only downfall is you can't load your own impulses :(.

ALL guitar softwares use impulses for cabinet emulation! There is no such thing as speaker synthesizer (yet). IMO speaker impulses have come to a technological impass, and the next generation will be used with software such as Nebula.

What Nebula can do is contain speaker impulses that are layerd in it self containing multiple passes and amplitudes to offer FAR SUPERIOR theoretical quality output. The only company to start doing this that I know is Ownhammer http://www.ownhammer.com/. Nebula presets of a few speaker cab's. I have yet to try them but I will do very soon and will report!
I've figured out what I needed to do. It's a wacky thing with the M-Audio Fast Track Pro that's causing the problem. If I've got a 48 kHz project (which I have a few before I knew better), I've got to have the FTP configured properly since it doesn't do it automatically. If I have SPDIF enabled I have to disconnect the POD from the PC then set the SPDIF rate, then reboot the computer, then connect the POD to the PC, then reboot again and it loads everything in 44.1. I wasn't doing exactly that before. Any change requires a reboot.

Waves IR1 is an awesome program. On a stereo track I can load four cab impulses of the same cab using different mic positions and get room mics into the equation. Plus I also can load venue impulses which is really nice. Nothing like recording in a famous recording studio or club or concert hall.

I'm using my POD HD500 for recording guitars these days. Sometimes with the POD cabs which I've figured out how to use effectively, and sometimes with the Red Wire cab IRs.... just depends upon what sounds best in the mix since I can audition the settings in the mix itself.

The thing I've found with cab models in the software stuff like Revalver, Amplitube, Eleven LE, etc., is that they are tuned to sound best with their amp models. They aren't straight impulses. And that software is processor hungry.

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