Stonerverb/Angel/GigmodsBface Clip

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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wrote a new tune, played my new SG all over it

GigmodsBFace: Clean vibro parts
Stonerverb: Rhythm L, 3rd guitar rhythm mostly L and buried, short leads before chorus
Angel: more mids- rhythm R; solo- mid edge engaged

byw, I reamped my diBASS and threw 3 mics up on the stack

Secret trick I tried...1 mic was on the piezo (57), I reran the track heavy overdrive on that mic, the other mics are clean. My experiment worked-I think it's my best bass tone yet!

Now as usual, the solos probably need to be practiced and retracked...
have a bunch of tunes I'm working on, then it goes to the vocalist and back to me again. As for live, The first 3 tunes on my soundclick were used to try to get a drummer, but no luck. I figured I would put out a few more tunes with a different feel, more diversity.
Sick...Just plain sick...I like how it has a little bit of a Korn type sound with the clean/vibro parts. Everything works together to create a great atmosphere. I could totally imagine punching someone in the face to this. Good energy and not just generic shred. Me likey... :twisted: :shock: :twisted:
Thanks all!

Probably hard to tell as much in the mix, but the Stonerverb has a warmer thicker tone compared to the Angel which has more bite and attack. I didn't set up di tracks for the guitars on this one, but if I recut I probably will add a di- then we can hear a few different direct module comparisons
crankyrayhanky said:
wrote a new tune, played my new SG all over it...
Would that be that beautiful blue, flame top SG that you posted pictures of a while back? :)
That's some catchy ****, Ray. I was just minding my own business today and while I was driving, this tune was playing in my head. I want to hear some more. I got my Gigmods Twin today so I think it might have been a subconscious trigger or something.

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