strang hookups an rm4

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Bucksport Maine
Hey all check this out ive got my sonic maximier runnin threw mone channel and using the series loop and on the back of the rm4 ive got 1 clean preloop channel that i run into one of the inputs and ive got the 2nd going from the post loop and #2 has the sonic maximizer so i get a killer tone and a huge bass boost from the sonic maximizer, whie keeping the preloop runnning pure and running a 50/50 peavey classic witch allowed me to run 1 with the sonic maximier from the post gain output and the line runing the preloop cable goes into the other gives me a pure signal without anything like the efx loop.. Ive been exoerimentig for a little while with the hookup with the rm4 and the bbe882 sonic maximier and the peavey 50\50 and this is the best ive come across..
zepplin490 said:
Ive been exoerimentig for a little while with the hookup
What you do behind closed doors is your business but I don't think you should be posting that sort of thing on a public forum. :shock:
I was just thinking the same thing. I believe the 120-word run-on sentence in your original post may have set a new forum record. :lol:
Jaded Faith said:
I was just thinking the same thing. I believe the 120-word run-on sentence in your original post may have set a new forum record. :lol:

Periods? Yeah, f8ck those things! :lol:
I hate periods They slow things down I just blaze through posts anyway