The 3 Modules........RM100 only....

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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Ok, I've got 5 modules currently, maybe looking for more, maybe looking to get rid of a couple.....
I was wondering, given each members preffered genre of playing, what would be your 3 modules to keep in your RM100 if you could only keep 3 ??

Genre :

1. ??
2. ??
3. ??
Tough call but let's say screw it to clean tones:

1. Pete Modded Recto OR stock Grail
2. Stock KH-3
3. Stock Mr Scary

If I have to have a 'clean' tone:

1. Pete Modded Recto OR stock Grail
2. Stock KH-3
3. SuperV or Brahma
Haven't owned or used enough of them... but..

Ultra Lead (Pete Mod)
Top Boost

My SL+ is a new manufacture I think, as it differs in layout and components from the pics of mod'd ones I have seen. .001 in C3, JCM800... different resistors and cap types.. JCM800 mod is stock.

REALLY want to try the Brahma. Mod'd Plexi or "DF Corrected" Brahma might replace one of the above.

Oh- and I would have to be allowed my choice of tubes. Spent too many hours already trying to find combos that work for me. Plus, would love to mod V1 (and immediate circuit) in my RM4 and RM100.

EDIT: changed Recto choice to Ultra Lead Pete Mod... that and the SL+ are now my desert island picks.
Modded 1086
Modded Mr. Scary
Modded Brahma

Ultimate tone machine there! Nothing that combo wouldnt cover. :D
yeah, here's my 2 cents:

1. Super V
2. Mr. Scary / KH-2
3. 1086 / Pete Pro Mod Recto

Just can't decide, but it looks like they're gonna be my 'keeps' modules.
Cranky's Recipe for Modern Hard Rock, played with a Les Paul

Petemodded with all the options:

Treadplate stays red for crunch/leads, SL+ backed off for half driven tones

1/2 way through a gig, I'll switch the SL+ to full crunch, and slap the Tread onto Orange mode for smooth leads

The Petextc could slide into the SL+ spot if it's a heavy lead guitar night...
1. SuperV(modded by Dave F)

2, My Egnater EG4.

3.Egnater EG5 .that will probably be dethroned by a Turley Scary .and just may end up for sale or trade in 09 ..
or maybe not
I only own 3, but from what I've heard about the versatility of some modules and what not I'd probably go with:

1. Brahma
2. SL+ (JCM800 mod)
3. Ultra XL

Yeah, just changing one module I currently have and modding another, but that's really my holy trinity right there :p Brahma covers cleans and classic sounds, SL+JCM800 gets later classic metal tones and suits my prog metal leanings, and then the Ultra XL covers my addiction to Swedish melodeath.
gtr31 said:
3.Egnater EG5 .that will probably be dethroned by a Turley Scary .and just may end up for sale or trade in 09 ..
or maybe not

They will definately be comparable, especially if you get a bass switch put in the Mr Scary.....without that, the EG5 will beat the Scary on flexibility.

They can definately produce similar tones otherwise.
What I find with Eg5 is I dig the voicing . but it is very compressed and satuarated .and the feel is stiff ..again cool module ..maybe a little more agressive than I need to get .

the clips I have heard of Scary leads me to believe the mids are a little different .more open roar less compression .more like an SL2 with a tighter bottom end thats what I get as and impression from Scary.
possible combinations

(good variety of styles)
1. Tweed
2. DF Modded Topboost
3. Modded SL+


1. Blackface
2. KH2
3. Ultra XL
XTC (w/high gain mod)
Plexi (w/high gain mod)

And that's no typo; my plexi has some extra mojo; almost as gainy as my modded Ultra XL but with tone that kills

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