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The Rossness

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Oct 6, 2008
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Today, I was able to taste the future. Frankly, The future tasted kind of bland. It was overly hyped and overpriced.The future I'm talking about was the Kemper amp profiler. Some people love it and good for them. To me, it sounded like an overpriced computer pug-in amp simulator. For $500, maybe it was a cool toy, but for close to $3k, as New Yorkers would say, "Forgetaboudit". As far as modeling goes, I kept thinking how my old MTS was worlds better and how my other amps were worlds better too.

I thought most of the high gain amps sounded pretty much the same with no real variety between them. The clean amps didn't have that sparkle that clean amps are known for. I also wasn't able to find much crunch. The Kemper I played on had a bunch of Amp Factory profiles downloaded to it. I was advised that They make good profiles. Still, I wasn't impressed. Out of all the profiles I tried, I thought the three that stood out were a MK II, Ac30, and a HiWatt. Everything else was kind of meh.

I tried the kemper because I'm moving to an area where I can't blast my tunes anymore and thought it would solve the volume issue. I guess it looks like a two notes torpedo is in my future. Anyhow, I just wanted to relate my experience that the kemper isn't all its cracked up to be.
Interesting write up. I've not yet tried one in person.

The Rossness said:
I guess it looks like a two notes torpedo is in my future.

Well... that's another digital solution, albeit one that uses your existing rig. It may sound fine, I'd hope it does. But you can also base your solution around an analogue solution - like the tried and tested Palmer or H&K RedBox/etc devices (etc).

The problem I have with digital devices in a live signal chain is that they can and do mess with timing, and introduce a disconcerting delay between what your fingers do and what your ears hear. For me, that's as bad as poor tone/response/dynamics.
Rossness, what were you playing the Kemper through, a cabinet or via PC speakers/monitors? I've been wondering about this myself for sometime. Do the people that swear by them mainly use it for recording?
lintycreep said:
Rossness, what were you playing the Kemper through, a cabinet or via PC speakers/monitors? I've been wondering about this myself for sometime. Do the people that swear by them mainly use it for recording?

I played it at Calistro music in CT. It was a studio. Craig, the owner of the studio was more than accommodating. I'd wholeheartedly recommend him. I had contacted another dealer and was told they didn't do demos of the kemper. I asked Craig if I could come in for about 45 mins to try the amp and he accommodated without a problem. I had brought my own sony $30 headphones, but the studio owner lent me a pair of high end headphones to test it out with.

The orange amps on the kemper didnt sound anywhere close to my Salvation module or the Rockerverb I used to have. The same was the case with the 5153's. There were 2 5153 profiles on the kempmer, but they didn't really capture the tone on mine. I thought the marshall tones were lackluster. There were a few EVH plexi type tones, and honestly thay were nothing special either. Rob's Grailtone was much better. Actually I'd like to pick another one of those up someday.

Look, If modded MTS modules cost $100 a pop and the amps came with active technology to emulated speakers like the torpedo live, MTS would be a force to be reckoned with.
I am still using my MTS gear and...its still KICKED Holy ass at the last gig I did.
I think what the Kempers are good for are the touring acts. Much less equipment to lug around. In most live senarios nobody but other guitarists are even going to realize it.

However, I agree nothing yet beats a hundred year old vacuum tube technology :D
I've heard that the Kemper is advertised as a profiler so not really a modeling amp like a AxeFX. Which i think it means it gives you a close representation of the amp without much ability to mess with the sounds. I could be wrong.

I have a eleven rack which I love for the $300 its cost me. I under stand that the Kemper gives you so many amps, but really for $3K you could buy a few real amps 2nd hand.
unearth said:
I've heard that the Kemper is advertised as a profiler so not really a modeling amp like a AxeFX. Which i think it means it gives you a close representation of the amp without much ability to mess with the sounds. I could be wrong.

I have a eleven rack which I love for the $300 its cost me. I under stand that the Kemper gives you so many amps, but really for $3K you could buy a few real amps 2nd hand.

Honestly, I have yet to play an axe. I tried the DV mark Multiamp and thought that one sounded pretty cool.
Well guys, I'm starting to use a Kemper for live playing in the coming months....I'm so tired of the MTS (Muscular Tearing System) live and not that the Kemper is that great but most people can't tell live and my back thanks me...

For studio use I will always be MTS and tube amps...But the time has come to dip back into 0s and 1s for me too...
Matt- I used a GSP1101 live for years instead of my Mod50. Constantly got compliments on my tone. Most guitar players can't tell other than there is no amp on stage.
ned said:
Matt- I used a GSP1101 live for years instead of my Mod50. Constantly got compliments on my tone. Most guitar players can't tell other than there is no amp on stage.

So many factors in there that a great amp is unnecessary in most applications....I find the Kemper to be realistic enough for me to be happy and again, it's only 14lbs!

The GSP1101 is a cool unit. I have one but never used it on its own....Perhaps I should give that a go too....
I spent the last 6 months gigging with just my GSP1101 direct to the board, monitored with IEMs. Always got compliments on my tone, and couldnt beat carrying around a case with just wireless units and GSP lol.

My rig was similar to Isolated's. I used an old Rocktron Rack Interface and a Sennheiser wireless and connected to my midi pedal with a PedalSnake. All in a 4 space rack bag. Monitored with IEM's.

Only thing the rack interface did was allow the wireless to be disconnected simply by plugging in a cable and plug XLR's into the PA snake without opening the back of the rack bag :) Set up in under 2 minutes.
What I would recommend is to buy a two notes torpedo live or a power attenuator with line out + torpedo CAB (it's cheaper resulting the same torpedo live..) I think it is the best solution for live both tonewise and weight. I don't have experience for RM100 but RM50 is not so heavy.
I think the price is prohibitive, but from the one time I heard a kemper it sounded good. Digital amps and amp sims aren't as "cool" to me which I think does count for something. Some gear is inspiring to play through and some isn't, regardless of the sound. My 71 twin reverb always puts a smile on face, even when its giving me problems.

That being said I did think it sounded good. I would never go DI with it though. If I owned one I would always pair with a good cabinet and mic the cabinet
After having more experience with the Kemper now, it is the future...Will it replace tube amps? Of course not, does it cop the feel and tone? To my ears, yes. Very well in fact...

My profiles are all MTS based and when I use DI profiles into a cab, you can't tell the difference..Believe me, I thought I would be among the last people to dig a digital lunchbox but I wholeheartedly do.

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