This Sound from a Randall RM100 ?

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Jul 30, 2008
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Hey Guys,

i'm wondering if i can get a sound like this from a RM100? This is a swiss Rockband named Gotthard. The guitar player has a Randall Endorsement and they say he uses the Plexi and Plexi+ module.
I think this sound very open and fresh to me. Is this one of the sounds you can get from this amp or is there something else to get it?

Yes that sounds a lot like the stock Plexi, maybe with a slight boost overdrive...I can say the rm100 will definitely get you in that ballpark

If you're of the mindset that the Marshall Plexi is the best amp, then you should get the Marshall- but I feel like I have a discriminating ear/taste and the mts Plexi, as well as every module I have, is so good on its own that it's not only the most flexible amp, each mod really shines through with individual character and does justice the amp it emulates

there I go, monologuing again 8)
I think you're right on the money there ray(?) .. monologue or not :D

There are a lot of stock Marshall and modded Marshall'ish tones available on the MTS series...hard to go wrong with it really.

I used to have a 50 watt plexi couple months ago and it didn't sound anything like this! Less gain and everything. A booster destroyed the sound...less dynamic, less punch and bass...horrorble!
The amp sounded good but not fat enough and didn't sing like the tone in the youtube clips...

See ya

no more suggestions or opinions?
Would a jcm 2000 also cover these sounds? Maybe i''m in the wrong forum for this question. :)
the marshall modules are excellent and everybody that i know who's had the real thing and the randall versions have said the randalls are better, just what i hear though, the mr, scary seems to be better than all the jcm's i, ve played on but thats the only marshall i've ever played besides a ss practice amp, oh yeah i played a mode four- what a travesty
If you are looking for that type of tone, I would suggest a call to Voodoo Amps in NY. I have a Vrock amp and it totally screams hot rodded Marshall better than any Marshall could. That band you listed sounds a lot like Whitesnake and Doug from Whitesnake uses Voodoo.
I owned a RM100 with numerous modules - Scary, 1086, Grail, Super V, etc. and I thought it sounded pretty good until I compared it to my REAL Mesa, Voodoo, Fender, and Framus amps. While the tones out of the RM100 are not terrible, I just could not dial in what I considered good tone compared to my other amps.
Just my 2 cents.
10 posts in and most of them are anti-Randall
If not a troll, what is the point here?
Yes, Voodoo does hi level professional work. Excellent amp modifiers.
But to say that you had trouble finding a "good tone" on this line does not seem to reflect most people's viewpoint. I wonder which amp and modules left you so dissatisfied.
I don't think he's out of order...some of the modules probably only get close to the tone compared to the real amps...

The first time round with an RM100M and no capacitor mods to my modules, I was left feeling kinda 'OK', nothing special.....needed to be cranked to much to sound good, had too much bass....

....then I discovered the sweeter power section of the RM50 and c3 modification.....totally blown away, so much so that I sold my prized mid 90s 2ch Dual Recto in preference...after having gone through multiple amps in the $1.5 to $3k price range too...

...I love that I can change my gainstack on a whim and not by having $5 to $10k worth of amps around to have to do it. :p
oh, I see, he did list his mts stuff...smells fishy, cruising a site you don't like-but maybe it's legit
I am legit. I've been reading this forum for a long time. My first "metal" amp was the RM100 with a 1086 and I thought it was GREAT. But after I started buying/using other amps, the RM stuff took a back seat. I did not mod any of the RM equipment - it was all stock - so maybe I missed the boat there. I play mostly metal and just could not find the tones. I tried almost all of the "metal" modules. I used different tubes, Randall, Mesa, Voodoo, and Avatar cabs, and an array of pedals. For what tones I like the original amps just work better for me than the RM 100.
Granted, the RM is a great alternative to buying multiple amps for people on a budget, but my experience is that to get an "XYZ" sound, you need an "XYZ" amp.
I am not "bashing" Randall, I just wanted to let the original poster know what I thought.
Modular gear rocks. I also have a mesa mark iv and a rectifier and while they have a different feel/tone than the rm-100, the tone quality is great on both. It really boils down to what you like... I'm still on the egnater/randall side of the house with the preamp version and while is not cheap, the tone and REAL versability is there.
Mesa Triple said:
I am legit. I've been reading this forum for a long time. My first "metal" amp was the RM100 with a 1086 and I thought it was GREAT. But after I started buying/using other amps, the RM stuff took a back seat. I did not mod any of the RM equipment - it was all stock - so maybe I missed the boat there. I play mostly metal and just could not find the tones. I tried almost all of the "metal" modules. I used different tubes, Randall, Mesa, Voodoo, and Avatar cabs, and an array of pedals. For what tones I like the original amps just work better for me than the RM 100.
Granted, the RM is a great alternative to buying multiple amps for people on a budget, but my experience is that to get an "XYZ" sound, you need an "XYZ" amp.
I am not "bashing" Randall, I just wanted to let the original poster know what I thought.

I guess its apples and oranges....comparing each module to its expensive amps may fall short if your looking for 1 particular sound. But its right in the ballpark, with plenty of good tones available emulating the great amps. No, it's not a 2-3k boutique xyz sound, but it's not a line6 either!

You know what? Certain amps it is better old Fender Blackface needs lots of tlc to keep it going, modern Marshall JCM and Mesa Rec are not like they were years ago, hit or miss....the best part is I can change on the fly and the tone is inspirational.

The modifications make a HUGE difference as well