Treadplate module

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
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Worcester, MA
I just got my RM4 hooked up last night. Only have the treadplate and the clean.

Is it me or is this thing just muddy sounding? It lacks presence and clarity and absolutely sounds like garbage with my xiphos 7 string.

I'm contemplating returning the whole preamp and module and power amp RT2/50

Don't do it!!! Get some different modules. I prefer the Grail over the Recto it's beefier, or you can modify the recto into the grail with a capacitor. Or even try an ultra or ultra xl. The Ultra is a more compressed version of the Recto and sounds much better, and the ultra xl just cranks. The Mr Scary is also a great module also. Get a blackface or Tweed instead of the Clean. The clean is really sterile sounding and has no life... You will enjoy this amp, i would try different tubes also, i prefer 6L6s's to EL34s. I am guessing yours came with EL34s.
If you bought the thing used or new, first thing to do is check the bias on the RT2/50!!!!

It's possible you have shot tubes, new or used it's happened before...but as I said, check the bias first!

Clean module sounds very sterile and dark..that's just the way it is.

Treadplate module can sound muddy, most people modify these by changing the cap in c3 to remove Bass component before distortion. If you bought new, you might not want to do this of course....

For what it's worth, I disliked my RT2/50 and I sold it at a $200 loss (and I bought used) just didn't jive as well as my RM50HB....but I know some people love the Randall power amp.
duffrouillard said:
Don't do it!!! Get some different modules. I prefer the Grail over the Recto it's beefier, or you can modify the recto into the grail with a capacitor. Or even try an ultra or ultra xl. The Ultra is a more compressed version of the Recto and sounds much better, and the ultra xl just cranks. The Mr Scary is also a great module also. Get a blackface or Tweed instead of the Clean. The clean is really sterile sounding and has no life... You will enjoy this amp, i would try different tubes also, i prefer 6L6s's to EL34s. I am guessing yours came with EL34s.

Mine has EL 34's and 6L6's. I prefer the EL's a little better. The problem is the bass, it's just way too much. I have the density down to zero. I reseated all the tubes in the recto module. The clean module didn't work. One of the tubes was just about out. WTF? Answer me this. How the **** does a tube come loose? It's not like they are not tight fitting. I mean you'd have to throw it against a wall to have it come loose. Whatever though, end of rant.

I have biased everything. Both sides at about 32mv or whatever the book says.

Now what's up with this? Everyone says "oh yeah, just throw a different capacitator in it", but nobody ever explains which one to replace, what to replace it with. I've seen the front page with the mods already. It doesn't have any of the mods I am dealing with.

I play metal, not 80's metal but modern metal, death, whatever you want to call it.

My other problem is the effects loop. Either one when used with a delay or reverb renders the tone useless. That's why I sold my mesa rectifier studio preamp. The parallel effects loop sucked. But I'll put up another thread on the effects loop.

Thanks for the help guys. I don't want to sell this stuff, but now have my eye on the engl 50W power amp and special preamp which will cost me about 3k. I want to give this stuff a chance, but I'm really really discouraged already with the tone. All this stuff is brand new. I've also verified all the preamp tubes are glowing as well in the modules and the RM-4

its your call but..
I have owned alot of gear and the RM4 is pretty amazing if you learn how to work with it.
I used a treadplate fri night and it was a great Rectifier sound. I have clips of Us doing "My own worst enemy" by Lit..and the tone is spot on. Thru a 2x12 cab with celestions it wasnt dark or muddy.
I would spend alittle time dialing the knobs, trying different guitars..and see if you can learn to work it.
I think the MTS is phenomenal and I haved alot of more expensive gear.
My main Tone is ALL treadplate and it tear's it up ...super heavy and chunky..i don't find it muddy at all ...
maybe check out your cable connections or your cab ??? i never realized what a cab can do for your tone until i switch to V30's...the difference was night and day to my ear's
I changed the cap in the treadplate to a .001 and the thing is unfrign real. I got that nice Exodus / slayer tone depending on what tubes I use. I'm very f***ing happy now.

The problem was the cap and my 7 string sounded like dog ****. The gain was turned up too much. That fixed that problem. I always had the gain cranked on my mesa rectifier preamp.

The recto module / M4 puts out way more gain. It didn't occur to me until my last ditch effort to back the gain off to 3:00

Problem solved, note clarity back and with the .001 cap the thing is as tight as the cats ***.