Upcoming JF EV3 video - Last question

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The video turned out great. Thanks for the guest spot, Mattfig! Here's a link for y'all who haven't checked out the website yet.
Good job Fig..that's doing a full featured overview/review. Very good idea with the tweaking while the riff played through. Helped me realize that this is not a module for me. I'm into lower gainers these days I think. Were you using the Seinheiser 906 for this? What was the chain? How are you mic'ing your amps? In same room or isolated like MikeP does? Inquiring nerds wanna know :)
Kapo_Polenton said:
Good job Fig..that's doing a full featured overview/review. Very good idea with the tweaking while the riff played through. Helped me realize that this is not a module for me. I'm into lower gainers these days I think. Were you using the Seinheiser 906 for this? What was the chain? How are you mic'ing your amps? In same room or isolated like MikeP does? Inquiring nerds wanna know :)

Thanks for the kind words on the vid. The EV3 is a lot of awesome things, but lower gainer is not among them...Can it do it? Of course. But you don't buy a Porsche to pull the trailer. :lol: jk.

Here's the path on the guitars for my original song in there "Roach Burns."
Guitars are split into two basic tracks in stereo.

I'll start with the left guitar:
1. 1981 Gibson Les Paul Custom - hot 490 bridge pickup.
2. Elixer cable (don't know how deep to set the threshold on the info meter here)
3. Into RM4 with EV3 Mode 1 Scooped Voicing
4. Into RT2/50 with 6L6 and EL34s (all winged C)
5. Into 4x12 with Celestion V30s mic'd with Sennheiser e906s (left and right to catch both sets of tubes for the mix)
6. Signal is also split into an ADA MicrocabII which I use to fill in any background tone I want - it's not primary but serves a purpose
7. ISP ProRackG at all times.
8. 2:1 compression on the mix and just enough to touch it, not enough for a bitch slap

The Right is virtually the same thing with the exception of using a 199x Fender Fat Strat with Pearly Gates pickup and Mode 3 no scoop on the EV3.

Probably too much but I'm like you in that I read for these kinda things myself.

Anyway, I'll let jaymzrock let you know his signal chain going in as he did the looped part... (THANKS AGAIN)

Once I got his DIs I simply loaded them onto my nifty Line 6 Backtrack (thanks for the tip Jace) held it like my guitfiddle (had to mod it to make it larger to accommodate the new toggles, wider to fit the 36 inch leather strap w/studs on the inside and heavier to make said studs meaningful) and went right into the same path as described above.

Sorry a lack of sleep is making the jokes intermingle even more than usual with my typical asshatery. Hope this makes sense.
No way, thank YOU Matt! So my tracks are kind of a funny story. I travel a lot as an Enlisted Maintenance dude in the Blue Angels (Aviation Electronics Technician); hence the household name reference above. 8) Lucky break I guess. So I was at an airshow in Seattle last week when I saw Matt requesting some DI tracks and decided to give it a go. With the time crunch I only had a day to get em done, and I had double-booked with a fellow Blue to visit his family that evening. So there I was, in the back seat of a rental...on a ferry...somewhere in Seattle recording the Balance licks. If that ain't rock and roll...

As for the chain it's as modest as it gets. Schecter C-1 Elite w/JB-Jazz setup into a Line 6 UX2 into Cubase 5. I used Line 6 PodFarm in standalone just to monitor a decent distorted tone but had the mixer set to dry input going into the DAW. I didn't use any after-market anything such as comp or EQ...and emailed Matt just the raw dog riffin, direct dry tone.

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