Introductory Pricing & Specs;
Modules We have begun listing modules on our site and more will follow over the next 1-2 weeks. There are descriptions, pricing, etc and we are also offering Custom Mods for all the modules. For more simplistic / less evasive Mods pricing can be as low as $50.00.
Add-On Controls We are offering installation of Add-On controls, custom options, switches, etc. Once all the modules have been listed a list on the site a list of all features (description / price) will be added under the main
Randall page. Each module page will list the features as they apply to each individual module.
RM100 Series We now have Standard, Deluxe and Platinum Modifications for the
RM100 Series.
$50 Discount The $50 Stimulus Discount applies to all Standard & Deluxe Modified modules (IE: take an additional $50 off from the prices listed). This offer will continue past April 15th.
Please feel free to email or post with any questions. For faster responses please email or call (607-256-0465).
Thank you