Voodoo UG Jose clip

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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Here's a quick UG Jose clip if anyone is interested. I just used a di file I had around and reamped with the Jose, direct into LAConvolver. No eq or other post processing. Pretty much just set the levels and let 'er rip.

Not my playing, but thanks anyway. I just used a di file from a reamp contest they were doing on the Sneap forum. If anyone has a di track they would like to hear thru the Jose, send it my way and I'll run it thru...
GuidanceOfSin said:
Oh, was the netmusicians player working for you? I had to hit the link above it to get it to play.

no i had to click the link, i was going to ask about that.

i have no idea what di tracks are haha.
A di (direct injection) track is basically just a clean track you can process later (run it thru an amp, etc). It's nice to record a di track as you are laying down guitars so you can go back later and change amp sounds...without having to play the part again. You can think of it as recording just the guitar and then adding the amp, effects and/or cab/speaker/mic sounds later.
GuidanceOfSin said:
A di (direct injection) track is basically just a clean track you can process later (run it thru an amp, etc). It's nice to record a di track as you are laying down guitars so you can go back later and change amp sounds...without having to play the part again. You can think of it as recording just the guitar and then adding the amp, effects and/or cab/speaker/mic sounds later.

wow, that's interesting. i'll look into that when i eventually start recording :)

darn school... :lol:
It's cab/speaker/mic and even power amp emulation. Nothing that's going to drastically change the core tone though. As for the changes that do happen, you could just recreate those same changes with your mic selection/technique, eq, post processing, etc. As for the actual impulse I used...IDK, I'd have to look at the original file on my DAW. Most of the impulses I use are free (legit, not pirate) all over the web, so it's not something that's hard to find. You just have to look around a bit and give 'em a try. You familiar with impulses at all?
Familiar, but I use Pro Tools and would need the VST RTAS wrapper from fXpansion in order to use the impulses. Plus there are ways to make your own impulses.

There's a RTAS/VST plugin I use from time to time called Cabinet from Audio Ease. Or I simply use the ones that came with Eleven Free. That's good enough for use if I go direct.
Cool. Surely there is a convolution reverb program available for Pro Tools? IDK, I'm not a PT guy. I started out pre-PT, went w/ ADAT and Roland VS stuff in the late 90's and just recently switched to a MOTU system a few years ago.
Oh, btw, love your sig. Would it piss you off if I used "disregard all advice pertaining to gain and tone from this user if you are over the age of 40 and don't play thrash."

GuidanceOfSin said:
new link for those that had trouble...


btw, I plan to make some more...I know the scooped metal thing isn't for everyone...probably do some clips with different gain and eq settings.

Anyone want to donate some di tracks of different styles? rock, blues, nu metal, etc...
sounds awesome, kinda sounds like a splawn to me actually.
so you don't know who or what that riff is from? that's good stuff.
Boned said:
sounds awesome, kinda sounds like a splawn to me actually.
so you don't know who or what that riff is from? that's good stuff.

The di guitars and backing/bass are from a reamp contest they were doing on the Sneap forums. I was going to enter but never got around to it. Here's the info...


The competition is hosted by MarkG. The composition, drum track and guitar DI tracks are courtesy of lolzgreg and the bass track was provided by Slipkyesbass.
Ahjteam mixed the backing track to be recording ready according lolzgreg's guidance.

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