Wanna scale down my live rig

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
OK, the GCX/GCP and rack gear is making me crazy...

As much as I play I have never used pedal boards beyond MIDI controllers....

Is there an EASY, all in one way for me to get an OD boost, reverb and delay from a unit that will also allow me to switch channels on the RM100?

I don't need insane versatility, I'll never use chorus, flange, rotary **** or anything related...Reverb, Delay, OD Boost - that's it..I don't want anything complicated or overdone....Just something simple...

Any suggestions?
Mattfig said:
OK, the GCX/GCP and rack gear is making me crazy...

As much as I play I have never used pedal boards beyond MIDI controllers....

Is there an EASY, all in one way for me to get an OD boost, reverb and delay from a unit that will also allow me to switch channels on the RM100?

I don't need insane versatility, I'll never use chorus, flange, rotary s*&t or anything related...Reverb, Delay, OD Boost - that's it..I don't want anything complicated or overdone....Just something simple...

Any suggestions?[/quote

Hey Fig- I've tried both the Boss GT-10 and the TC Electronics Nova and both do exactly what you are seeking...I stuck with the Boss because I can use the 4CM method to connect and get proper placement of effects this way....Boss also has killer boosts built in (the tube screamer emulation is dead on!) It is the only thing on the floor in front of me for shows.
Thanks...When you talk of the 4CM - you'll have to excuse my lack of technical proficiency in the FX areas...I assume that means the OD boost could go in front of the amp and the Delay and Reverb go to the loop?

Mattfig said:
Thanks...When you talk of the 4CM - you'll have to excuse my lack of technical proficiency in the FX areas...I assume that means the OD boost could go in front of the amp and the Delay and Reverb go to the loop?


Yep, exactly....or Chorus in loop, flange in front etc etc...whatever you want. Just a ton of flexibility. Mine took a few to set up (balancing inputs from GT10/amp etc) but now that its done- I've got midi channel switching and every effect necessary all in one floor unit. Also has the Boss Noise supressor built in and a very good Wah right on the board, which is cool too. There's a couple of folks on here using the Digitech RP1000 the same exact way. Matter of taste as to which is better but essentially the same approach. Both units have preamps built in too, I just turn those off and use effects/wah only.
You've got it . . . that's pretty much the gist of the 4CM. It basically just allows you the flexibility of having "pre-preamp" effects (wah, filter, compressor, OD/distortion, etc) and "post-preamp" effects (chorus, reverb, delay, flange, phase, etc).
The Line 6 M13 springs to mind.

Another is perhaps a Digitech RP1000 or even a GSP1101 with the Control 2 (you could mount the GSP in the RM100 for even easyer portability).

The problem with the 4CM and floor units is that you have the enormous length of cable between your rig, I was never really comfortable with that. It also doesn't improve your build up and breakdown times..
m0jo said:
The problem with the 4CM and floor units is that you have the enormous length of cable between your rig, I was never really comfortable with that. It also doesn't improve your build up and breakdown times..
Agreed . . . the GSP1101 would be my pick for that reason alone (not to mention that it's a kick-*** effects unit which can be had at a reasonable price). I use the G-System, but have the GFX01 (the "brain") mounted in my rack rather than in the floor controller; and I keep my audio chain confined to the rack - I have NO audio signal coming out to the floor. On the floor I have my G-System foot-controller, expression pedal, wah pedal, and volume pedal (but wah & volume pedals are actually just expression pedals going to my rack wah). I keep the few pedals that I use mounted in the rack as well, which are connected to the G-System's dedicated loops.
Just my 2 cents..
I'm still waiting for a single unit that is designed for people like Us.
People who have good ears,need a fast set up and tear down, people who know weight is an issue, floor space is an issue, reading displays is an issue (especially outdoors!in the Sun).
Not complaining here..just giving a constructive list of what we need..
and the market is NOT addressing.
Someone had a post here that was "what do you need that isn't being made"...
well here is the answer.

Just saying, I own the G-Major 2 and it does everything as far as effects and channel switching. There's no OD boost on it but you can make a patch that will turn the level on that particular patch. More of a volume boost, not so much pushing the amp harder.
m0jo said:
The Line 6 M13 springs to mind.

Another is perhaps a Digitech RP1000 or even a GSP1101 with the Control 2 (you could mount the GSP in the RM100 for even easyer portability).

The problem with the 4CM and floor units is that you have the enormous length of cable between your rig, I was never really comfortable with that. It also doesn't improve your build up and breakdown times..

I'm gonna have to disagree Mojo- I have four cables to connect. That's it. Same way everytime...you can also "snake" them into one cable. Cant imagine an easier way and I've toured professionally and played live for years. I've had the rack effects, rack power amps, etc just about every configuration out there and this one prettty simple. I'm not saying it's the absolute best but it is very, very convenient. If you look at Matt's original post, he wants simplicity and not wanting the rack complexities and headaches. I moved away from rack gear long ago as well. Must be old age :lol:
GtrGeorge! said:
Just my 2 cents..
I'm still waiting for a single unit that is designed for people like Us.
People who have good ears,need a fast set up and tear down, people who know weight is an issue, floor space is an issue, reading displays is an issue (especially outdoors!in the Sun).
Not complaining here..just giving a constructive list of what we need..
and the market is NOT addressing.
Someone had a post here that was "what do you need that isn't being made"...
well here is the answer.


This would be nice! One stop shop...nobody has it yet (at least not in a true tube/analog way)
rblyn said:
m0jo said:
The Line 6 M13 springs to mind.

Another is perhaps a Digitech RP1000 or even a GSP1101 with the Control 2 (you could mount the GSP in the RM100 for even easyer portability).

The problem with the 4CM and floor units is that you have the enormous length of cable between your rig, I was never really comfortable with that. It also doesn't improve your build up and breakdown times..

I'm gonna have to disagree Mojo- I have four cables to connect. That's it. Same way everytime...you can also "snake" them into one cable. Cant imagine an easier way and I've toured professionally and played live for years. I've had the rack effects, rack power amps, etc just about every configuration out there and this one prettty simple. I'm not saying it's the absolute best but it is very, very convenient. If you look at Matt's original post, he wants simplicity and not wanting the rack complexities and headaches. I moved away from rack gear long ago as well. Must be old age :lol:
"Rack complexities and headache" .... yeah I've never had any ;) My rack has simplified my rig enormously and made everything much more reliable. Also complexities are had at home or at rehearsal when I'm working on my rig, at gigs it's: set up rack, plug guitar into rack, rock.

But .. different strokes of course ;) I've had a pedalboard with a multicable running between my amp and that. Always hated having to plug all that crap in. (3 signal cables and a switchcable.. now I have only one midi cable..). Also I felt the long lengths of cable weren't contributing to the tone.

A GSP1101 in an RM100 head is the simplest setup I can think of IMO. The stuff is all hooked up and you just have one midi or Digitech Control 2 pedal to control it. To me this is simplicity but maybe not to you or the figster ;)
m0jo said:
rblyn said:
m0jo said:
The Line 6 M13 springs to mind.

Another is perhaps a Digitech RP1000 or even a GSP1101 with the Control 2 (you could mount the GSP in the RM100 for even easyer portability).

The problem with the 4CM and floor units is that you have the enormous length of cable between your rig, I was never really comfortable with that. It also doesn't improve your build up and breakdown times..

I'm gonna have to disagree Mojo- I have four cables to connect. That's it. Same way everytime...you can also "snake" them into one cable. Cant imagine an easier way and I've toured professionally and played live for years. I've had the rack effects, rack power amps, etc just about every configuration out there and this one prettty simple. I'm not saying it's the absolute best but it is very, very convenient. If you look at Matt's original post, he wants simplicity and not wanting the rack complexities and headaches. I moved away from rack gear long ago as well. Must be old age :lol:
"Rack complexities and headache" .... yeah I've never had any ;) My rack has simplified my rig enormously and made everything much more reliable. Also complexities are had at home or at rehearsal when I'm working on my rig, at gigs it's: set up rack, plug guitar into rack, rock.

But .. different strokes of course ;) I've had a pedalboard with a multicable running between my amp and that. Always hated having to plug all that crap in. (3 signal cables and a switchcable.. now I have only one midi cable..). Also I felt the long lengths of cable weren't contributing to the tone.

A GSP1101 in an RM100 head is the simplest setup I can think of IMO. The stuff is all hooked up and you just have one midi or Digitech Control 2 pedal to control it. To me this is simplicity but maybe not to you or the figster ;)

Exactly bro- different strokes! Ive heard your tones, sounds great and if you've got a system down- very cool! As far as the multiple cables, With the snake, you add the midi cable into the "snake" and it's just like one cable too. And yes, you are so right-we should be picky about the cables you use too- be it patch or 20 footers or it will affect your tone for sure.
That's true, but plugging it all in is what annoyed me ;)

Now that was also because it was a colour coded snake and I'm colourblind ... :lol:
To me...
someone needs to design a smart pedal backwards, ...from the buttons back to amp (in terms of what the user sees and hears).
It might seem an impossible task, because tone is subject...but many peoples needs are the same.
I have been looking at this problem for years and I am past frustration with Boss and a number of other companies that seem to actually profit from making a device that fails to deliver what so many need (just buy next year's model, kids!!!!!!...that gets old after 20 years)
pros need better. This is actually not an impossible task. Just waiting for some serious people to address it.

If anyone here know someone with the time,resources and MOTIVATION to make this...hook me up with them!
the GT10 might be the best solution...but if you are picky, I think you might like the TC Electronics G System pedal. Its big on the floor, but its well made and allows a loop and supplies power to your fx that you put in its loop.(The unit allows you to patch in lil pedals that you hook up to it) It speaks midi,too. And yeah, it does sound good. It is a pro tool. It should be, it isn't cheap..you'll need that dough I sent to you!!!
You should hear that unit AND the GT10 before you put down cash.
I would also hear Rocktrons offerings as well, sometimes they surprize.

..and I wouldn't waste a second talking to a counter person at GC. So few ever take music all that seriously,imho.
I agree with George that you should definitely try out the unit before you buy it. I have tried the GT10 and it is pretty cool. Of course it has it's usual host of shortcomings, but there was one feature that I really liked. It was the EZ Tone feature which allows you to use the two coordinate knobs to move around the tonal spectrum in realtime. You have to try it. My explanation isn't too good, but it is a more intuitive way to program and find your tone by ear.
And the amp models are way better than MTS....I kid, I kid...
Daryl said:
I agree with George that you should definitely try out the unit before you buy it. I have tried the GT10 and it is pretty cool. Of course it has it's usual host of shortcomings, but there was one feature that I really liked. It was the EZ Tone feature which allows you to use the two coordinate knobs to move around the tonal spectrum in realtime. You have to try it. My explanation isn't too good, but it is a more intuitive way to program and find your tone by ear.
And the amp models are way better than MTS....I kid, I kid...

HAha...I am pretty sure that the gt will be fine...this is for live use so I cannot imagine that the verbs, delays, and boosts are noticeably bad especially since I use them very sparingly...maybe they aren't perfect but "pretty good" will work for me plus the design makes sense to me as I've used Boss multis before...I really like the intuitive feature too....from the vids I have seen, it's pretty unique and kinda innovative....and easy to use...I don't need anything fancy...
George, I will look at the tc nova again before I make a final decision as I trust ur opinion and we see to think alike in many cases...that last statement should probably scare you a little as I am batshit crazy!

Perhaps the amp sims will be an asset too...I am open minded but, heh, I would be amazed if any of them were passable...Of course, I may have a future need for a fake plexi...:)