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Staff member
Dec 15, 2022
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Welcome to the new members, and old returning members. Please make a post and tell us about yourself and your equipment.
Hello folks, I just bought a Randall RM4 and looking to set it up. Was also hoping to find the schematic for download. Thanks.
Greetings! New to the Module game. I just purchased the SYN-2 rack and the Bogner Ubershall to start. I have previously gigged with Marshall JMP-1 and the 50/50 Power amp and am looking for something lighter in weight with more tonal options.
Howdy, started with Synergy during the pandemic and then picked up some modded RM100s from Matt Fig. Loving the versatility of these modules!
Thanks for letting me in!
Hi all from New Zealand 👋 Randall Rm100 - KH1A, VH4, 1086
New to the way of the Module, but feeling this is the way!
Here to ask advice, advice on and learn about modding, buy modules. Trouble shooting the Rm advice on best mods to buy that kinda thing.
Chat soon!
I’m looking at getting into the Synergy Module system and here to ask advice and hear about current users experiences with these modules.
Just got into Synergy (Syn-2 with the Friedman HBE and Soldano SLO modules to start) and loving it so far. Just here looking for info, potential sales/trades down the line, etc.
Tastes are different, I've tried a lot of their modules. My favorite modules are the Bogner Ecstasy and Metropoulos Metroplex. Worth checking out, especially if you can find some used ones. Now, I'm starting to check out some of the boutique module builders like Salvation, Jaded Faith etc.
Hello I’m a new owner of a rm100c for combo.

I’m currently looking for the following

Mesa dual rec

In mts, not synergy

Please help me out.
Hello I’m a new owner of a rm100c for combo.

I’m currently looking for the following

Mesa dual rec

In mts, not synergy

Please help me out.
Stefanwest I have a killer Randall Grail George Lynch module for sale if you're interested.
Does it check the boxes as a dual rec should? Would you take $250?
It does indeed. I've kept it longer than the IICP module. I just found myself using my Wampler Triple Wreck or B-52 AT-100 more. And I'm not sure if I could go that low. The only other one available at least on reverb is Listed for $399.
Well I don’t know what we can agree on because you haven’t written me in private with your price
Hi all - Synergy Newbie here. I simply want to use my Syn-1 with Diezel VH4 through to a pair of headphones (I have no Power Amp, Head, Combo Amp or Audio Interface yet). I would like to loop effects into this chain (assuming I can go Syn-1 -> Mooer Radar -> headphones). Thoughts???