what cabs do you use?

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rectifier said:
i may take the plunge on the randall cab with the seventy 80's in it.....but i really like slant cabs....decisions ,,decisions......pete thats just too many cabs..hehehe

i must say with all warning i can give, dont even try the seventy 80's. i had them in the first cab i ever bought and they were horrid. they have some wierd kind of sound to them like your playing with your amp in a cave. they were complete ****. im runnin a mesa rectifier cab with V30's and i love it with my RM100
thanks for the replys guys....i just bought a marshall 1960a cab because i needed a spare cab to leave at a different location and it was an ok deal, but i must say i HATE it !!!.. it makes the rm100 sound like a transistor radio.....i guess im gonna buy some super v's and put in it.
Seventy 80's are OK, I used a randall cab with them in it ages ago, but now my randall cab with v30's wipes the floor with it!
Save for the v30s my friend!
Voodoo amps 4x12 with mixed speakers. Love this cab. Very unlike any other cab I have used and projects more out of the front than the sides.

g12h30 heritage
texas heat
Ok, don't laugh at this; Ibanez TN412A (oversized, loaded with v30's)
A/B it with Peavey 5150 and 5605 and Marshall 1960A and smokes them all :)
decided to add a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab with the orange 2x12....sounds AWESOME together....it's a little bit of a pain micing up 2 cabs all the time, but once I found the sweet spot, the 2 in tandem sound so much better than any 4x12 I have ever played through!!!!
rectifier said:
anybody have experience withe the seventy 80 speakers that come in the lower end randall cabs?

I have the Randall R412XLT w/V30's and a Randall R412CXM w/Seventy 80's

I just picked up the XLT this week and haven't had the chance to crank it yet. But already its appears to be night an day! Like many other comments, it seems to lift the blanket that is muffling the amp. It almost sounds like my RM100 Grecto boosted on the CXM without using the boost.

Let me know if you want some more details. At this point the CXM will likely not get plugged back in unless someone want me to test something. Its goin up fer sale!
i was using a cheap Hartke GH412 straight with my Hellatone 60Ls and T-75s in x, but no more

now im using the Hellatone 60L X T-75s setup in my 78' Marshall slant i refinished. ITS SO MUCH LOUDER.i cant figure it out, must be the fact that this cabs made out of REAL wood, and the screws screw in, instead of just slide into a hole and wait to fall out like on the hartke.
2 Egnater TM212's and getting ready to get a TM412. :D Luv the TM212 with a CL80/G12T75 mix. open back loud and airy, closed back has more bottom end but not muddy.

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