What is your main 3 modules for your amp?

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Nightdare said:
Try the Blackface, SL+ and Ultra XL

That sounds about right for the tones you are looking for.

I hit the input jack with a pretty hot signal so I use a KH1 for cleans and rotate a stock SL+, JF Mr Scary, JF Brahma, or a Gigmods Ultra XL for my other tones. The Brahma and SL+ almost never leave the head though.
Egnater BMAN
Egnater VX
Egnater COD

For the Randall stuff:
JF Deluxe
Egnater EG3

My recommendation based on your description:
Blackface for super clean or Deluxe, Tweed if you want some breakup

Plexi, Brown, EG3, or COD for Gov't Mule

Mamba is tailor made for KSE but Grail, Treadplate, Ultra, Ultra XL, or really any modded high gain module would get you in the ballpark.
Strat setup
Gigmods Blackface, Gigmods Tweed, Gigmods Brown

Les Paul hard rock setup:
Gigmods Blackface, Mamba, Gigmods Recto or Stonerverb
honestly, many of the gainy modules sound similar..if i could give you any advice it would be go for 1 clean module, 1 nice low-mid crunch module, and one high gain.

lets see...i vote: Twin, Brahma, modded XTC