What speakers are most of you using in your RM rigs?

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Im using V30 in a 2x2 cab and Im not blown away..its good but I wish I had more oomph. The lows and low mids are not so great.
My V30 are in 2 2x12 cabs one on the left, one on the right. The cabs are the old ADA slant/straight cabs. They are light,inexpensive and hold up well.
But I wish my tone had more MEAT to it. Any suggestions? Anybody ever use what Im using?..if so, your thoughts?
GtrGeorge! said:
Im using V30 in a 2x2 cab and Im not blown away..its good but I wish I had more oomph. The lows and low mids are not so great.
My V30 are in 2 2x12 cabs one on the left, one on the right. The cabs are the old ADA slant/straight cabs. They are light,inexpensive and hold up well.
But I wish my tone had more MEAT to it. Any suggestions? Anybody ever use what Im using?..if so, your thoughts?
Get the Randall Lynch Box 2x12 with the Super V's in it if you want more meat :) Or a Mills Acoustics 2x12.
1960A JCM 900 Series. I think it has GT-75's but the cabinet label says it's handling capacity is 280. I am pretty sure that is what is in it though. Anyway, I love the way it sounds! Also, check your pickup height. I had a guy that was positive that he needed new pickups. I noticed the pickups looked pretty close to me so I had him play some chords while I adjusted them in. He didn't want me to change them afterwards! I allways try that when everything is pretty good but it is just missing something you know? If you like the sound but it needs clarity or punched up a little. Right now I am getting the tone of my life and am no longer hearing something thinking, man I wish my rig sounded that good! Tone is a quest and when you get there you will know but it is easy to miss the simple stuff. Trust me I know the hard way.
thanks guys...solid ideas. Its funny my neck and bridge needed adjustment last week..maybe the pickup is at a diff distance now..I will adjust and see if the balls return.
Lynch cab? I'd like to hear one..but noone I know has one anywhere near.
Unless a MTS user on Long island wants to meet up>? Anybody into it? I could bring some of my gear/modules..maybe both parties could benefit.
Say..maybe we should have our own lil amp show..I would go!!!
headown said:
V30 in a Carvin Legacy 4x12 box and like it better than my Engl XXL with V30s :wink:

That's a great cab! Mine is loaded with Celestion G12M-70's, I'd like to try an X-pattern with Eminence Wizards.
...or a Lynchbox 2x12 cabinet?
I live in the metro NY area..there are a good amount of stores but noone seems to stock these products.
So where did you see/hear yours?