Whats Everyone Using for A Lead Module?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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Bucksport Maine
Im wondering what everyone is using for a module for ur lead tone? I am currently Using an SL-OD100 and its good but not nearly as good as the red channel on my JF XTC that i stupidly sold in a money crunch, The red channel with the structure engaged was the smoothest high gain lead tone that i have ever heard come out of my rm100. I am considering putting the SL-OD100 up for sale or trade to fund a new extacy unless anyone has an idea for a different JF Lead module...
any help would be appreciated
I personally don't subscribe to the lead module vs rythm module idea. I tend to set the rythm as i like it and then hit the channel with an OD for saturation. That said, the stock scary i am not a fan of as a rythm module but it does a good job as a lead module and is very easy to play on.
Kapo_Polenton said:
I personally don't subscribe to the lead module vs rythm module idea. I tend to set the rythm as i like it and then hit the channel with an OD for saturation. That said, the stock scary i am not a fan of as a rythm module but it does a good job as a lead module and is very easy to play on.

This is what I've been doing too- I can hit a boost on any of my modules along with a 20db boost (via my GT10) so I can use any mod at any time....I do love a boosted Judge for leads though.
Kapo_Polenton said:
I personally don't subscribe to the lead module vs rythm module idea. I tend to set the rythm as i like it and then hit the channel with an OD for saturation.

+1. I usually use the same module for an entire song and add some combo of boost / delay/ reverb as needed to the base tone.
Usually my Angel handles the leads (little thicker, bit more compressed, more present mids),
but my Mash-oldano is more than capable of doing this by itself (or switch places)

if I commit 1 module to rythm/lead, I program in a post-EQ with a midboost of a few dB's to make it more pronounced for leadwork
I have to disagree with some of you here. In my experience, there are basic sonic differences needed when getting the most out of your rhythm and lead playing. Playing rhythm, it's usually desirable to play at a lower volume, (and a bit less distortion) but cut through the mix better. This way, you get heard and mixed in well, without covering up anybody else.

When it's time for the solo, you want a thick, blanketing tone that can be heard by everyone without taking their heads off. To achieve this, you need more distortion and a darker EQ to your overall tone. This can be partially achieved by setting your boost/OD pedal a little bassier (depending on the pedal). But I find it so much easier (and get better results) to use a completely different module for leads. It really lets you dial in your lead tone so much better.

Module wise, I use the JF 1086 for rhythm and the JF Ultra Lead for lead tone. The 1086 has great distortion, but it's not too bottom-heavy and sits in the mix without getting lost. When it's solo time, the Ultra Lead has the thick, full distortion and wide tone that sounds like it's everywhere at once.
So far my Custom JF "A" Recto is the best module I have ever come across for rhythm or lead but a close 2nd for lead would my older JF XTC that has a bit more gain than the newer versions for leads.
gag halfrunt said:
I have to disagree with some of you here. In my experience, there are basic sonic differences needed when getting the most out of your rhythm and lead playing. Playing rhythm, it's usually desirable to play at a lower volume, (and a bit less distortion) but cut through the mix better. This way, you get heard and mixed in well, without covering up anybody else.

When it's time for the solo, you want a thick, blanketing tone that can be heard by everyone without taking their heads off. To achieve this, you need more distortion and a darker EQ to your overall tone. This can be partially achieved by setting your boost/OD pedal a little bassier (depending on the pedal). But I find it so much easier (and get better results) to use a completely different module for leads. It really lets you dial in your lead tone so much better.

Module wise, I use the JF 1086 for rhythm and the JF Ultra Lead for lead tone. The 1086 has great distortion, but it's not too bottom-heavy and sits in the mix without getting lost. When it's solo time, the Ultra Lead has the thick, full distortion and wide tone that sounds like it's everywhere at once.

I can see your point but i think if you can bump your overall volume with a clean boost in a loop, you've accomplished the same thing. That would be the single channel amp world I suppose though. With MTS you do have the option with independent volume knobs on the modules so that is actually a good idea. TWO GTO's then ;)
zepplin490 said:
Im wondering what everyone is using for a module for ur lead tone? I am currently Using an SL-OD100 and its good but not nearly as good as the red channel on my JF XTC that i stupidly sold in a money crunch, The red channel with the structure engaged was the smoothest high gain lead tone that i have ever heard come out of my rm100. I am considering putting the SL-OD100 up for sale or trade to fund a new extacy unless anyone has an idea for a different JF Lead module...
any help would be appreciated

I actually use my SL-OD100 for lead - I do crank up the mids quite high and generally back of the gain a little bit. Stick a wah in front and it sounds good to me :)

I am totally intrigued by the XTC ? it?s one I?ve been really thinking about adding to my collection of mods, may just have to do it now!!!
Im with the others on the HIT THE OD method. Thats the way to go when you have an RM50 with one clean and one rythm modules. If one was to win it all in my arsenal it would be my MarXman. Mark tones are loved for leads for the pronoun mids that cut through the mix.
gag halfrunt said:
I have to disagree with some of you here. In my experience, there are basic sonic differences needed when getting the most out of your rhythm and lead playing. Playing rhythm, it's usually desirable to play at a lower volume, (and a bit less distortion) but cut through the mix better. This way, you get heard and mixed in well, without covering up anybody else.

When it's time for the solo, you want a thick, blanketing tone that can be heard by everyone without taking their heads off. To achieve this, you need more distortion and a darker EQ to your overall tone. This can be partially achieved by setting your boost/OD pedal a little bassier (depending on the pedal). But I find it so much easier (and get better results) to use a completely different module for leads. It really lets you dial in your lead tone so much better.

Module wise, I use the JF 1086 for rhythm and the JF Ultra Lead for lead tone. The 1086 has great distortion, but it's not too bottom-heavy and sits in the mix without getting lost. When it's solo time, the Ultra Lead has the thick, full distortion and wide tone that sounds like it's everywhere at once.

Agree with everything you said here...If recording or practicing at home- OD/Boost is fine....There are some things you need to do to cut through a band mix aside from just a boost though- rhythm should not have too much gain or it can make your band sound muddy/sloppy in my experience- especially when working complex parts with another guitarist- The only thing I would not agree with (only because of my particular setup) is the part about getting better results using a designated module for leads. I dont want to "waste" a killer mod on just leads- And I dont want to waste a slot on my RM100 for a clean mod either (I bypass my RM100 preamp and use GT10 cleans) With my curent setup- I get three killer channels- Any kind of amps tones I want (Marshall/Mesa/Bogner etc) and can use them for either rhythm or lead at any time...You could do this a number of ways (with a number of pedals running in front or through your loop etc) But the way I have it set up is as follows- I have a custom EQ on my GT10 (called FAT LEAD) that I can turn on like a "stompbox" for each channel.My EQ is set up kind of like you mentioned but I dont add too much low end- just a little. Its set mid heavy and a certainly bit darker (to offset some of the highs coming from the boost) . I can turn this on any channel along with an OD/Boost AND volume boost all at the same time or individually. I can hit one control button and the Boss will simultaneouly add 10 or 20 db's each time you step down AND turn on your preset boost pedal for that channel(Tube Screamer or Mid Boost are my faves) Since you can assign two effects to each controle button- You could also have turn on some delay as well...What's cool about that is you can cover some songs with mid gain lead tones, bluesy lead tones or full on metal shred leads....add in some delay...basically like a huge pedal board...-and I can get those lead tones in Marshall/Bogner/Mesa flavors..The MTS will give you a variety of tones as it is..Very cool to have that flexibility for leads too...Im covering a crap load of bands right now- so it really works well for what I do....
Using an RM50 with 2 channels I use a SG plexi or JF Brahma + for rhythum and for leads it's either a Voodoo Tsunami, a Judge and Jury or a Mash-All by Salvation. All great Marshall flavors and then some...
I'm with rblyn here... The way I have always set my rhythm tone works great for me on solos. Now a days, I just use a 535-Q Cry Baby for solos and they cut great with another guitar player. No boost, just the tonal difference makes my solos stand out more than enough to be heard, even with a gain freak - LoD21 :p - cranking along with me. For gigs I have always invested in a sound man and he rides the fader just a tad when one of us solos. I will admit, for recording I do tend to shape the eq a bit differently for solos, but I track with the rhythm tone. I'm old school Egnater moddded Marshall, didn't have more than one channel for most of my career and now old habits are hard to break <blush>

TO each his own :)

I find myself using the MarkX Custom I just got back. Cuts through anything.
Riculus said:
I find myself using the MarkX Custom I just got back. Cuts through anything.

What's the difference between the custom and standard JF MarkX?

Lead Module

Salvo Benzin - smooth thick/fat hot rodded marshall perfect for my low volume use.

MarkX - playing Metallica backing track. :twisted:
I had Rob put more bottom end in it. Just a personal taste kinda thing.
If I had a dedicated module for leads it would be the SG Fisch. Since I only run RM50's right now I have one slot for cleans and the other for rhythm/lead. I've found the best mods for both rhythm and leads to be the MashAll and JF ODS. A TS808 with the RM50 master volume boost does the solo trick as good as anything.
Right now I'm with Nightdare. The Mash-oldano and my custom Punisher module are set for most of my solo stuff. But it depends on the type of music I'm playing. Hell I used my Stein plus for a solo at practice last weekend. :twisted:

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