What's your fave module? You can only name one...

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So far my favorite is the 1086 (stock). Still early in my MTS experience though, I'm obsessed & will probably try them all over the next year or two- haven't even begun to deal with mods (more on that later, I'm acting as a lab rat for a well-known mod shop that is just getting into the Randall game, Top Boost is in now, more to follow).
XTC, sing baby sing!

All the ones mentioned before seem to be very popular.
1086, Grail, Mr. Scary, SL+, KH-2/3, UltraXL, Plexi, Brahma, etc.
Stock XTC= tone, tone, tone. Nice biting mids, sweet high end and good tight bottom end. A great lead guitar module.
the BRAHMA module...can do just about anything i want with just this one module and a good o/d pedal...truly KILLER tone!!! 8)