Which module does Scott Ian use?

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Yeah Scott was using the V2 heads. But I hear he has recently switched to the RM's.

I heard a rumor that "thrax" is recording in chicago with a new singer. WTF? John must still be doing the armored saint thing. Or the band got pissed about him doing another project? Anyone have the scoop?
droptrd said:
Yeah Scott was using the V2 heads. But I hear he has recently switched to the RM's.

I heard a rumor that "thrax" is recording in chicago with a new singer. WTF? John must still be doing the armored saint thing. Or the band got pissed about him doing another project? Anyone have the scoop?

I think John bailed because of the reunion shows/tour with Joey.
Bummer. Among the Living is my favorite album by them but John Bush is my favorite singer of the 2.
The new guy did an interview on the Anthrax tour bus for "That Metal Show" on VH1 after they were playing some Snow Boarding/X Games type festival outside NYC. Said he only played one warmup club gig for friends & family & then went straight to opening up for Maiden at a huge 10K person show. Scott said Dickinson complemented how he sounded & handled the pressure- hope he works out. I'm too lazy to Google his name, heard a short live clip- sounded similar to Bush, not enough of a sample to really form an opinion.

Hadn't heard Scott switched to the RM100, would LOVE to see a set of signature MTS modules from him ala Hammett/Lynch. I have my Black 13 Pedal at least...

Huge Anthrax fan for 22+ years, saw them twice live- once at the Tower Theater near Philly in Dec 1987, one of the all-time greatest live shows I ever saw. They closed with Living After Midnight, with everyone in the band swapping instruments (I think Charlie sang), was absolutely classic. Second time was in Honolulu in 94 or 95, they had to use some on-island PA & amp gear (too expensive to fly in their normal touring gear I guess), Dan Spitz's lead amp crapped out about half way through the set, there was about a minute pause while they tried to fix it, Scott started asking the crowd for requests of songs without lead guitar... I yelled out Looking Down The Barrel of A Gun (Beastie Boys tune that they covered on soundtrack album)- he nodded approvingly, and they played it! Dan got his amp fixed after that & back into the set. Great memories.