Which speakers do you like with your RM100?

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Tubes In a Hat

Active member
Aug 1, 2010
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I just got a used RM100 with the blackface, SL+, and Rectified modules.

Unfortunately, I'm having to use a loaner line 6 4x12 for now :oops:

I just wanted to see what you guys are preferring for speakers and enclosures with these amps.

I'm kind of a G12-65 and Lead 80 type of guy myself, but I've never heard either with this amp. I definitely prefer closed back cabs, and I would LIKE to be able to keep it small with a 2x12 of some kind.
If you don't mind purple bronco i've got a 212 Avatar Contemporary with a pair of well broken in Celestion Vintage 30s I'd be willing to part with. Construction is excellent: 13 ply voidless birch plywood. 8 ohms. Closed back. It's oversized for a 212 so it's got some extra punch on the bottom end. PM me if you're interested.

I've got two and I'm downsizing to one.

the Line 6 may not be so bad, those speakers are supposed to be somewhat "colorless" or "neutral" which might be ok if you are using multiple module types. I am curious, how does the cab sound to you?

I am running a 2x12 with a G12T 75 (the one the RMs come with) and a Scumback H55, and it sounds great, but I am really jonesing for an M75 (greenback) type.

good luck!
I run a Rebel 1X12 with a Super V and a TM2X12 with a Celestion E80 (basically a CL80) and a Warehouse ET65. I love this combination. The Super V adds some crunch so I only use that when I am playing heavier stuff like AIC, Megadeth, Tool, etc...

If you are looking to pick up a new cab, I would suggest the TM2X12 which comes loaded with E80's stock since you seem to like the CL80's anyway. You can pick up a ET65 used for probably $50 or just buy a new one, sell one E80, and drop it in there also. That is what I did and I am very happy.

I have a RM100KH (1 of 3 made for Kirk's personal use) with a stock SL+, JF Brahma, JF Mr Scary, KH1, and an incoming JF VHT.
I'll just address everybody so far.

I'll have to pass on the Avatar cab. I'm in the minority here, but Vintage 30s are just not my thing. Thanks for the offer though. :)

The line 6 cab... to MY ears has wayyyy overpowering lows and crazy out of control highs, and I'm always fighting to stick out in the mix, the speakers sound very "scooped". It's the spider II cab by the way. It might be the main reason I have to crank the amp itself so much just to be heard.

That Egnater 2x12 has had my attention for quite a while. I really do like those speakers quite a bit. The TM212 with the stock E80 and a WGS ET-65 just might be the winner! :D
I have a Hughes & Kettner 4x12 loaded with Greenbacks and a Egnater 4x12 with Vintage 30's and I like the egnater cab better myself because it has much more bottom end then the hughs & Kett cab. I have always liked vintage 30's though.
Port City cabs are the Ferrari of cabinets right now, love to get my hands on one.
I'm running Randall MTS 2X12 w/ V30s, very nice cabs. the Mic eliminator on this cab is a great feature.
Tubes In a Hat said:
That Egnater 2x12 has had my attention for quite a while. I really do like those speakers quite a bit. The TM212 with the stock E80 and a WGS ET-65 just might be the winner! :D

On the random chance that you are close by, I am in Cleveland, Ohio. You could try it out to see what you think if you like. No, it's not for sale but thought I would offer.
eyeball987 said:
On the random chance that you are close by, I am in Cleveland, Ohio. You could try it out to see what you think if you like. No, it's not for sale but thought I would offer.

I'm actually in Texas, so that's probably not gonna work out, but that's really nice of you to offer! :)
Unlimited funds would be great! Tone cost money but if it's a career investment than it's a good investment.
I just gotta land those endorsements... and that record contract... :lol:

I mean, I'd have absolutely no problem spending the money... if I had it :wink:
I'm in the minority here, but Vintage 30s are just not my thing.

I'm curious as to the genre you play- I mean V30s in a good cab cover a lot of ground. You mention Mesa vertical 2x12, I have one of those and it is loaded with v30s- sounds killer
crankyrayhanky said:
I'm curious as to the genre you play- I mean V30s in a good cab cover a lot of ground. You mention Mesa vertical 2x12, I have one of those and it is loaded with v30s- sounds killer

Yes, I realize the fallacy of what I said about the Mesa cab. :oops: :lol: If I got one, I'd probably change out the speakers.

The V30s to me have a certain coarseness about them. Definite crunchiness happening.

While I think it's a cool sound in itself, and I don't think I've ever heard a rock god that didn't make them sound absolutely AWESOME, I just find that I'm more of a G12-65/Classic Lead 80 type of guy.

I think those speakers are a bit tighter on the low end with a midrange that's more to my liking and rounder highs... but that's just me

In my band we span from jazz to country, funk, classic rock, metal... indie-ish type sounds. I'm not really a mid-scooper, but I prefer a low-mid focus to a high-mid focus... if that makes sense.
Loving the Super V's in my Lynch box 4 x 12.
I also have a Randall ?? with GT-75's and the Super V's are just so much smoother , meatier, crunchier , cleaner.
Awesome Cabinet !!!
I think the Super V's roll of about 4.5 k instead of 5.5K of most other Guitar speakers, still plenty of sweet chimey highs there when needed.

thinking of doing a X arangement in the other randall cab of 2 vin30's and 2 gt-75's. i thinkg thats what the bottom cab in Kirk Sig cab is ?
I've been thinking of getting a Port City custom cab, with 2X12, one Super V and one EVH Celestions, just don't have the $$ right now, it'll be a lot of money.
I have a Lynchbox 100 head and I tried many speakers before I settled on this...Mind you, I play blues/rock, but I use a fair amount of gain for solos...It's a 2/12 open back Earcandy cab with 1 Super v and 1 WGS 65...It's perfect for what I'm doing...