Why do I/you stay with MTS?

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I gave up on the amp head set-up a long time ago.
I have been playing in different local cover bands since 1989!
Needing various tones to cover different types of rock I went down the Midi rack road. First was the ADA MP1 which I liked alot. Then I got a killer deal on a Marshall JMP-1. The Jmp was great at dirty tones but sucked at clean ones, even after the VooDoo Labs mod. So I was using both for live shows. I played on different preamp though the years but the ADA and JMP was the most flexible preamps for what I was doing but I needed a switcher and a line mixer to use them both. The other guitarist in a band I was in got a Line6 Vetta that was very impressive, but I still like my tones better. I became interested in the MTS stuff when it first came out, but there is no local Randall dealer here in No-wheres-ville, ILL. I came across a RM4 about 2 years ago with 3 mods on Ebay cheap enough that if i did not like it I could re-sale it and not lose money. I was amazed at the difference in the sound of the mods. From a big phat crunch to nasty gain singing leads to sparking round clean...WOW!
I now own 15 modules and an Egnater M 4 for more tonal bliss.
My live tone has NEVER been this good, Let me repeate, MY LIVE TONE HAS NEVER BEEN AS GOOD AS IT IS NOW!!!!