Why no love for the stock XTC?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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I hear people say this module's no good for rhythms when it's stock. I disagree. I really dig the tone and it sounds great whether I'm doing full-out high gain or backing it off for AC/DCish tones. Sounds really good with single coils, too. Of course, it goes without saying that it's excellent for leads.

The XTC was one of the first modules I bought when I got my RM100S (I was one of the first people to own one of the silver grille cloth 100s ). Still love it. I would like to hear what Pete's warmth and clarity mod could do for it, but I really wouldn't want to change the tone too much.

Maybe it has something to do with having one of the old ones. I know there was some minor component changes when they went to the blackstripe modules. But mine's great. Anyone else digging their stock XTC?
its a great module and it was my first high gainer, i dug up a video of a live show from my band like 3 years ago and i can't beleive how good it sounded. i upgraded to a 1086 shortly after but i was floored by how brutal it was stock back then(boosted). always seemed like a better sounding recto to my ears, great lead tone for sure.
I'll let you know later this week; just bought SacredGroove's stock XTC with plans for the high-gain mod but hey, it may be just fine stock. One thing for sure, I've been searching for the ultimate lead channel module for three months and my search ended last week when I played a new Pete-modded XTC. It's like a hybrid between a KH3 and an Ultra XL. Can't wait to play a stock one tho...
That's cool, dboy. Like I said, I have one of the early ones. There are some slight differences in the old modules vs. the current blackstripe versions. I hope the one you get sounds good to you, though.
I crave XTC's ability to sing and growl ...

It may be a little loose on the bottom end and too compressed for some, but to me it's still my preffered module, It does wonders with both passive single coils and humbuckers.

As much as i like my newly aquired KH2 and Brahma modules, the XTC never leaves the third bay in my RM100 !!!

I'm with 6stringgrind, XTC rules !!!!

nothing wrong with the stock XTC, it's a great mod unmodded. It's my main lead tone right now, with the 1086 being there for heavy crunch and more higher gain when i wanted it.
It should be noted that the preamp tube you use in the module really effect the tone. I tried a bunch of different ones on the XTC, and settled on the EH for now, for the nice midrange bite and overall clarity gain
I like the stock XTC as well, though I never tried a modded one.

All of my modules (10) are stock and with different od/distortion pedals I can get so many different tones that I really have no desire to have any of them modded. I'm not saying they couldn't be improved but I'm happy with the ones I have and it seems like a waste of money to find out I liked it better stock.

I wouldn't mind doing a comparison but it would have to be a night/day difference to consider changing what I have.
I'm right with ya, 6stringgrind! Coincidentally I spent a couple hours tonight recording clips just to show off the XTC. I need to re-record them though because they came out a little muddy. Plus I started running out of talent. I was doing Zakk Wylde's "No More Tears", early Van Halen, and King's X "Cigarettes" all with the XTC.

The XTC is my favorite module and rarely leaves my RM50, and I only have 2 bays!
I was very dispointed with my stock XTC when I got it. I'd demo'd an RM100 + XTC module in my old shop and even A/B'd it with a real Bogner Ecstasy, and it sounded amazing. It was the real reason I bought my RM100, but as soon as I got it, I just couldn't get a tone I absiloutly loved.
My SL+ had very close tonal range, just less warmth and depth. I ended up feeling the XTC stock lacked the tone I expected from it, and felt very muddy.
Sadly, it's now gone, traded it for a Mr. Scary, which I do not regret one bit.
However since trading it, I have become very fond of the Turley modded clips I've heard, so it looks like it will be mine again soon, just never stock again.
I can think of a few reasons...

1) stock xtc module doesn't sound like the real thing.

2) stock xtc module is thick sounding, so much so that for a lot of us chords can sound congested for rhythm playing.
okstrat said:
I can think of a few reasons...

1) stock xtc module doesn't sound like the real thing.

2) stock xtc module is thick sounding, so much so that for a lot of us chords can sound congested for rhythm playing.

I agree that it doesn't nail the true Bogner tone, but it has its own thing that I quite like, myself. If anything, it could use maybe a tad more clarity and gain, but that's it, IMO.
It depends on the material being played....most times, it's not a goto for crunch crunch for the reasons listed. Big fat chords- yea, that'll work

Phat lead tone, yes
It should be said the guitar matters a lot too. Played mine the other day with Denny's guitar that has a lighter body and maple neck and it was a world different than my PRS Custom 22 which is my weapon of choice. But it's also the best high gainer with my maple neck Strat which has the David Gilmour EMG single coil set.
6stringgrind said:
If anything, it could use maybe a tad more clarity and gain, but that's it, IMO.

That's my first XTC mod described perfectly. :)
okstrat said:
6stringgrind said:
If anything, it could use maybe a tad more clarity and gain, but that's it, IMO.

That's my first XTC mod described perfectly. :)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I wrote that. I may have to let you work your magic on it. I also have a Brown that I need to send you for a little "mojo injection". 8)
I had one when I bought my original RM100 and sold it off as I was not too thrilled with it. It's been awhile though since then and I think I have now changed my opinion after hearing SacredGroove's XTC clip. :shock:
I just found out one of the factory parts was bad with my stock XTC when I sent mine out to get modded, so I'll never know how they were supposed to sound. Hopefully it won't matter to me ;)
dboy5150 said:
I'll let you know later this week; just bought SacredGroove's stock XTC with plans for the high-gain mod but hey, it may be just fine stock. One thing for sure, I've been searching for the ultimate lead channel module for three months and my search ended last week when I played a new Pete-modded XTC. It's like a hybrid between a KH3 and an Ultra XL. Can't wait to play a stock one tho...

KH3 and XL? Very interesting...
Hmmm...well, I played thru the stock XTC...the same one that SacredGroove used on his most awesome recording...and it does have a great rock crunch for rhythm, but really fell short for lead IMO; nothing near the gain and feel of the XL and lacked the sweet tone of the KH3. It could work for recording (check out Cranky's latest post under rigs & tones...he uses a stock XTC for a very nice solo) but sounded thin and lifeless with the band at volume. Maybe a pedal in front would do the trick but I ain't into pedals at the moment. My new modded XL just crushed it. So on the love scale, I gotta give the stock module a 6 outta 10. It's already off for a high-gain mod; will post when I get it back next week.