Will Randall/Egnater/American Music Corp sue me if...

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Jun 2, 2007
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... I have some custom clone modules made for the consumer market? I just found some nice sources in China and all I need to know is if there is a market for clone modules.
We hold a modular technology patent on this so if you choose to bring them to the US we will enforce it. Not cool and Randall is licienced to use our patent so they will not be in favor of it either.

Egnater Amplification
I imagine the best way to proceed would be to contact Egnater about a license.

I've always envisioned lots of different entities doing modules for the system.... seems like it would be a cool way for it to grow.

There is already the "hot rodding" or mod aspect going on. Who knows if the actual market is big enough to support much right now.... but it seems like it is growing.
hilly1212 said:
We hold a modular technology patent on this so if you choose to bring them to the US we will enforce it. Not cool and Randall is licienced to use our patent so they will not be in favor of it either.

Egnater Amplification

Ok. That just shut me up.

camitchell said:
I imagine the best way to proceed would be to contact Egnater about a license.

I've always envisioned lots of different entities doing modules for the system.... seems like it would be a cool way for it to grow.

There is already the "hot rodding" or mod aspect going on. Who knows if the actual market is big enough to support much right now.... but it seems like it is growing.

How much do you think? Maybe that'd make me end up selling modules just as expensive as the real ones.
Don't get me wrong but..
if the Chinese can't paint a Barbie doll without making it toxic..why would I want them making modules for my RM4???

I have nothing against the Chinese...but I am really getting tired of Americans supporting..in fact, aiding the Chinese in putting Americans out of work. I put America FIRST.
Thanks Anyway.
to funkyskunk..
Im not trying to put you down personally, my brother...
I just oppose that policy..thats all.
Here's the thing .

Even if you were successful in getting the licencing .there would be contracts 3458 pages thick .you would need major legal representation .

beyond that there would im sure be MANY clauses excluding them from liability defects etc .enforcing certain quality measures

so in fact one accident and you would be sued for life ,
by the time your legal expenses were over you could have to sell a lower quality module knock off .for more than a boutique built Egnater .just to break even ..

I feel if you want to import from China ,Giant panadas may be a better venture ..
No offense...but the fact that you actually came to this board to ask that question should be the first sign that you have no idea what it takes to get something of that magnitude rolling.
Hey people lighten up! I'm just a DIYer. I just thought I wanted to push the limit from modding modules to making my own modules. I just wonder if at a global scale, would people get some knockoffs?

Oh btw, my RM100 is made in China. I don't know how to reconcile "**** China, more people in US need jobs" yet you patronized Randall, who put a plant in China.
skunky_funk said:
Hey people lighten up! I'm just a DIYer. I just thought I wanted to push the limit from modding modules to making my own modules. I just wonder if at a global scale, would people get some knockoffs?

Oh btw, my RM100 is made in China. I don't know how to reconcile "f*&k China, more people in US need jobs" yet you patronized Randall, who put a plant in China.

hey man. I am also a DIYer and I love to see the module parts available for sale!! I don't think selling pcb or resistor will touch the patent. Anyway that's just my thought, you should consult someone else who know about law of patent.

For US people, it is no use to againist china to protect US jobs. Because the jobs will go to India or other developing countries if the jobs don't go to china. Actually the trend is the jobs in china is taken away by Africa...
I also thought of another thing that is quite a Gray area regarding this matter -

The Clone module kit... best for DIYers with Egnater and Randall MTS amps. You do the soldering. The board is ready, and all you have to do is assemble it. But that means, the purchaser of the kit assumes FULL responsibility to not destroy his MTS amp.
Skunk, and all...
imho, outsourcing can't work if you don't buy the product. PERIOD. I try to support only biznesses that reflect reasonable policies.
Sure, jobs may go to India,China etc..but if the rate is slower it isnt traumatic..and it can be good for everyone. But the idea of cheat,steal and Exploit is obscene and brazen....
and Skunk...I hate to say it...you are being Brazen not to realize that guys like Egnater are innovators, and not just people to copy and re-market.
here is an idea: Join Egnater and see what you can bring to his company. If that doesn't click..you could always "reverse-engineer" later.
..that is, if he would accept a guy with your disposition.