XTC mid-heavy?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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I have the XTC module, and it is VERY midrangey. I just wondered if this was normal. I hear people rave about the XTC, and I like it too, but if I push the mid control past 9 or 10 o'clock, it's too much. Mine is one of the pre-black stripe ones, btw.

Could some of you XTC owners give me some setting suggestions?
Ive never heard one, but if its anything like the real XTC, it should have TONS of low mids.

RM100 head with EL34's into a Randall 2 x 12 cab with Celestion V30's. However, I previously had 6L6's, and I had the same problem. Plus, I use an SL+ and a Mr. Scary, and I don't have this problem when I use them. When I turn the mids on the XTC up past halfway, it gets VERY harsh. I just can't imagine that this is normal. I'd just like to know what other people's experience/opinions/settings are. Is the XTC known as a mid-heavy module?
The XTC is a mid-heavy module. As for being too middy, that would be personal preference. If you using a stock SL+, which has a scooped midrange, the XTC will sound alot different when mids are cranked. I haven't used mine in a while, but I remember I never had to turn the mids up beyon 10 o'clock to get a good sound.
I guess the only thing I'd add is that I find all midrange knobs somewhat, how do I put it, I guess ... not very useful beyond the 5 to 6 (12 - 1 O'clock) range. I find myself not adding to much midrange on any of my modules. I usually have them set around 4 (11 O'clock). My theory or opinion on this is that all amps (and then therfore our beloved modules) have an inherent midrange "voice". When set at nuetral (5) this is the natural voicing of the amp/module. Boosting the mids slightly can be useful sometimes but not often. Like I said, it's my own personal take on mids.
Wow, I run the mids around 2 or 3 o'clock on my XTC module...but I do like a lot of mids. I love that module!
Totally cool deal Chad. I NEVER say there is one way to get the sounds you need as an individual player. Everyone has there own path to sonic nirvana.

I like mids too, they are where it's at. What I try to do is maximize the natural mid voicing by setting the mid control at the sweet spot and then dial in bass & treble to taste, continuing in the effort to enhance the inherent tone within the module.
Anyone care to give some setting suggestions? I'd appreciate it. Also, please give your density and presence levels as well.
i live for that upper midrange grind. My main module was an xtc and id have the mids banked on it and it was a great tone.
My XTC sounds pretty cool like this. Bass at 4.5 / Mids at 4.5 / Treb at 6 Bright switch off / Gain at 6 to 7 / Master at 6 to 7.

Kinda depends on the resonant frequency of your speakers too.