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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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...blowing the same internal fuse in your RM100 for the THIRD TIME and getting your brand spankin' new Brahma module the next day with no way to play it. :evil:
The only reason a fuse blows is because something is wrong. Just placing the fuse doesn't solve what caused it to blow in the first place.

Either you have a bad tube or something else.
Yeah, it is EL34's. I've had the tubes in it for a few years (from Doug's Tubes). From what I understand, the whole "bad batch" EL34 thing was more recent. Not sure if that's the problem or not. Either way, it SHOULD'NT be.

The fuse that keeps blowing is inside the chassis. It has something to do with the power tubes. The last time it happened before this, Jeff at Egnater told me to use a higher amp fuse, so I did. It worked for about six months or so, just like every other time. I don't play the amp super often, just an hour or so every day or two (busy with work and family).

Anyway, I'm over it. There's no sense in having an amp that you can't rely on. So tomorrow I'm taking it to Kevin at Uncle Albert's in Indianapolis and having him modify it so the fuse isn't an issue.

The really stupid thing is, Bruce and Jeff both told me this fuse isn't even necessary. It's in there to meet overseas regulations or something.
Heater fuse?

They had this problem on Marshalls. Some stupid regulation. The new boards had the fuse slots jumpered in place of the fuses. The fuses had been blowing a lot, and they got a waiver on it.

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