Synergy SYN2 Master/Slave setup - Volume Issue - SOLVED

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Apr 18, 2007
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St. Clair Shores, MI
I've just experienced something weird with my 2 SYN2s setup as "Master/Slave". The volume of Slave SYN2 is exponentially lower than the Master SYN2.

Here's what I know and/or have checked:
1 All cables are good

2 All tubes are good

3 Each SYN2 can run independently without any issues

4 This issue appeared shortly after connecting the units as Master/Slave for the first time. Slave unit volume level was fine for a few minutes but
then began to fade.

5 The tone is still intact also so, it's not like the tone had degraded or changed in the way it would by rolling off the guitar volume.

6 Regardless of which unit is Master or Slave, the volume of the Slave unit is always exponentially lower. This makes me think I've not cabled it correctly however, I had checked my setup, multiple times, against the manuals instructions.

Any one have a similar issue or know what I might be doing wrong?
The fact that it initially worked fine and started to fade sounds like there's an internal issue with one of the SYN-2s, very weird, especially since they work OK separately. Do you have a separate power amp to connect just to rule that out? Other than that, I'd reach out to Synergy.

Also... Welcome back to the (lightly used) forum! Great to see one of the original modders still using MTS stuff.
Thanks for the reply! I've lurked in/out through the years but, I sold all my modular gear a couple years ago and recently decided to try Synergy.

I feel like something is wrong internally, as well. It worked for a little while and then began to fizzle down in volume. The volume would come back sporadically for a second then fade out again to a fraction of the volume of the Master SYN2.

Both SYN2s work, if I use them independently, straight into my power amp.

The weird thing is that the volume issue isn't exclusive to one unit. If I reconnect them so the 2nd SYN2 is Master, the volume issue is still there.

I contacted Synergy/BAD and got a reply with just the instructions on how to connect 2 or more SYN2s. They also suggested using a switcher/looper. I don't want a switcher/looper. I have custom 4U rack with a Power conditioner, 2 SYN2s and a power amp. I'm out of space and shouldn't have to spend that extra money.
The "fizzle out" after working briefly sure points to some internal issue, the fact that you can switch the order to get same issue & use them independently without a problem has me baffled. I only have one SYN-2 and a SYN-1, never run them together (SYN-1 is in a practice rig in a different place), so I can't compare with my own stuff.

The "use a switcher/looper instead" is a ludicrous official response, I'd press the issue with their support, especially if still under warranty. Considering your history & depth of knowledge of MTS gear, they should take your issue more seriously than somebody that's totally new to the technology.
Bruce still answers stuff directly on the Egnater/Synergy/Randall FB group - might try posting there as well.

Rob at JF might have some ideas too, he's been kind enough to respond to emails when I had issues even if was with his modded gear. Please post whatever the outcome is.

Also- when can we expect to see the triumphant return of SG mods on the Synergy modules?? I volunteer to be first beta tester w/donor module, PM away...
I will probably post the issue at the Facebook page and see what happens. I've also posted this issue at TGP. So far, you're the only respondent to either post...LOL.

I am curious about doing some mods again. I'm not sure how I'd go about yet though. I don't want to get into the situation I was before where I was overwhelmed with work and it taking time away from me actually playing and recording. I also don't have any interest in trying to make any of the existing Synergy modules "more authentic" and then pass it off as if it's my own.

The Synergy modules are pretty good out of the box. However, I think a few of them could be really good platforms for modifying, as well as making modules that still don't exist which is where most of my thoughts are at with Synergy modules.
Scott - here is how I have mine connected to my Mod50. I think it's a little different than what the manual states to do.

I had something similar when I hooked up my 2 SYN2's and it was down to the little buttons that toggle the loop level - one is -4db and one is +10db. Make sure you are set to +10DB and I think you should be good.
webrthomson said:
I had something similar when I hooked up my 2 SYN2's and it was down to the little buttons that toggle the loop level - one is -4db and one is +10db. Make sure you are set to +10DB and I think you should be good.

I did mess with those and the result is only slightly better. Thanks for the reply!
SacredGroove said:
I am curious about doing some mods again. I'm not sure how I'd go about yet though. I don't want to get into the situation I was before where I was overwhelmed with work and it taking time away from me actually playing and recording. I also don't have any interest in trying to make any of the existing Synergy modules "more authentic" and then pass it off as if it's my own.

The Synergy modules are pretty good out of the box. However, I think a few of them could be really good platforms for modifying, as well as making modules that still don't exist which is where most of my thoughts are at with Synergy modules.
I've yet to see a modded Synergy module listed for sale online, maybe some are floating around & I've missed them. Hope you get into it again in a way that doesn't overly distract & adds something unique.

I posted a thread over in Modules few weeks ago trying to get people to weigh on what stock /modded Randall /Egnater ones are significantly different tonally from Synergy:
SacredGroove said:
Thanks Ned.
Where does the "L Main Out" of the top unit go to?
On the bottom unit, what is feeding the "To Amp In"?
Is the top unit the Master?

The left main out is going to the Rack Interface to feed a dry signal to the effects.

The To Amp In is going to the front input on my Mod50. The signal is being passed through the rack interface .
9985 said:
I've yet to see a modded Synergy module listed for sale online, maybe some are floating around & I've missed them. Hope you get into it again in a way that doesn't overly distract & adds something unique.

I posted a thread over in Modules few weeks ago trying to get people to weigh on what stock /modded Randall /Egnater ones are significantly different tonally from Synergy:

I have seen one modded Synergy module from Salvation. I think it was a SLO.
Great news! Is there anything to be learned from this alternate connection for 2 SYN-2s for 4CM connection of single SYN-2 to an amp effects loop?
9985 said:
Great news! Is there anything to be learned from this alternate connection for 2 SYN-2s for 4CM connection of single SYN-2 to an amp effects loop?

I think connecting a SYN2 to an amps FX loop will still be the same as the manual describes. In my case with 2 SYN2s, the MV on the Master unit should be the only volume working while the Slave unit MV will be bypassed.
I had this same exact issue and as it turns out, the SYN-2's weren't designed to be Daisy-chained, which is why you'll lose gain and volume when chaining them together. I started out with one SYN-2, then when I added a second, I lost a little gain but not much. By the time I added a third and fourth, the tone completely fell apart. I couldn't figure it out until I contacted the guys at Fryette.

I was told that the only way to keep the gain and tone consistent was to either plug each SYN-2 into its own input channel on my audio interface, purchase a MIDI controller like a Voodoo Labs Hex or GRC or to use a Line Mixer. I ended up purchasing an ART MX821S and an ART T8 Isolation Transformer box. Each SYN-2 is plugged into the Isolation Transformer, then to the Line Mixer. I pan all of the Volume controls to one side, then send the output signal to a Vintech X73, then to my audio interface. This way, I can take advantage of the tone of the Vintech while using only one channel on my interface (which also means that I didn't have to purchase a Vintech 473).

Now, I get all the gain and tone from each SYN-2 unit and the Vintech. It's awesome.
Mike P said:
I had this same exact issue and as it turns out, the SYN-2's weren't designed to be Daisy-chained, which is why you'll lose gain and volume when chaining them together. I started out with one SYN-2, then when I added a second, I lost a little gain but not much. By the time I added a third and fourth, the tone completely fell apart. I couldn't figure it out until I contacted the guys at Fryette.

I was told that the only way to keep the gain and tone consistent was to either plug each SYN-2 into its own input channel on my audio interface, purchase a MIDI controller like a Voodoo Labs Hex or GRC or to use a Line Mixer. I ended up purchasing an ART MX821S and an ART T8 Isolation Transformer box. Each SYN-2 is plugged into the Isolation Transformer, then to the Line Mixer. I pan all of the Volume controls to one side, then send the output signal to a Vintech X73, then to my audio interface. This way, I can take advantage of the tone of the Vintech while using only one channel on my interface (which also means that I didn't have to purchase a Vintech 473).

Now, I get all the gain and tone from each SYN-2 unit and the Vintech. It's awesome.
Thanks for the reply Mike! I have since sorted my issue out.
Thanks for the reply Mike! I have since sorted my issue out.
Hi are you still on this thread?
Thanks for the reply Mike! I have since sorted my issue out.
Hi SacredGroove are you still seeing this? I have two syn-2 and Engle Poweramp and am struggling to connect properly to allow effects before and after syn-2’s and also to not have the volume drop on slave Syn-2. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi are you still on this thread?

Hi SacredGroove are you still seeing this? I have two syn-2 and Engle Poweramp and am struggling to connect properly to allow effects before and after syn-2’s and also to not have the volume drop on slave Syn-2. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi there, sorry I haven't had this rig for some years now. Check out message #14 of this thread

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